
Domestic violence: Is the feminist movement making homes around the world more peaceful?

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Domestic violence: Is the feminist movement making homes around the world more peaceful?




  1. My Step-Dad is a cop, I meet several officers, they claim that most of their shift consists of dealing with domestic problems.  Women's shelters are flooded.  So I doubt it.

  2. It's all dependent on the methods you employ. If we go by statistics then we should be very careful and urge others to be careful how they interpret them.

    For example since official statistics are only concerned with recorded crime alone this means we still have no idea how much unrecorded. unreported and undetected crime is out there.

    Further problems arise when we start to crack down on a perceived crime "epidemic". Logically if we make more arrests and record more cases of domestic violence it could look as though it's getting worse while in reality the amount of domestic violence could be going down or remaining constant.

    Basically we could never know for sure if they are making a difference, though some might argue less women in woman's shelters is enough of an indicator. That's a bias assessment since we still have no idea how many men suffer it since they are less willing to even bother reporting it to begin with.

    Edit: fully agree with the poster below. If cops believe that domestic violence is synonomous with violence against women it is possible that even if a man would dare to swallow his pride and report it they probably wouldn't bother to record it. It's how they were conditioned to view it

    Edit: so Mo you're over 120 years old then? Wow that's impressive, still sharp and no sign of arthritis yet :O

  3. Extremely doubt it.  Most likely, it's the other way around.  Or if you count the homes that now only house one person - then sure, it's working quite well.

  4. To the extent that men can no longer legally hit or rape their wives, yes. Making a peaceful home is a matter of personal responsibility.

  5. Erin Pizzey founded the first Refuge in Chaswick in the UK in the 1970s. We call these places Women's Shelters. It was a place for Women and children to go to in order to flee abusive and violent Men. Pizzey soon discovered that many of the Women were as violent as the Men they were fleeing. Are their violent and abusive Men? Yes and there has always been such Men.

    But the Feminist Movement needed a funding mechanism. That Government funds would support them with. They found it in the Domestic Violence issue. Trouble is they are ignoring the Contributions of Women, Substance abuse, mutual abuse etc.

    And Shelters are now being exposed as venues where Lesbians are sexually preying upon vulnerable Women. Where Lawyers who are Divorce Attorneys are referred to win settlements and referral fees are paid to the Shelter staff.

    There is no interest in truly solving the problem. To make matters worse Women are told they cannot be abusers. They are always the Victim. ALWAYS. Amy Whinehouse has bragged about socking her Husband in the face. When she gets drunk or on a buzz she will smack him around. And is proud of that fact.

    Women who get even with Men are seen as assertive and empowered, not violent and out of control. And even get sympathy when they commit brutal acts of violence. Mary Winkler was paid over $400,000 for her interview on Oprah. And even half of Oprah's fans did not believe her.

    When wearing Fetish Wear, Wigs, Lingerie, high heels which are sold on Feminist Web sites by the way. Is a Capital Offense if a Man likes them. We have crossed over into Fantasy Island territory.

    And the Feminist Icon Lorena Bobbit who cut off her Ex Husband, John Wayne Bobbit's Male member when he was sleeping. A few years later took a Butcher knife to her Mother in an argument. Yes there are violent Women too, just like there are violent Men who lack impulse control.

  6. Compared to years ago when the police would not get involved in a 'domestic' it has improved very much. Both men and women are still involved with domestic violence but they are encouraged to speak out about it and there is much more help available.

  7. the decrease in domestic violence is somehow influenced by feminist movements, i guess.. but to say that this means peaceful is far from true..

    as 'MO' put it: "Our shelters are full to overflowing. We have to turn thousands of women and children away every year. There is no space."

    i don't see this as peace.. because 'homes' doesn't mean houses.. when the home is divided.. that is not peace, but prolonged agony.

  8. Radical Feminist laws is the reason I will never get married or co-habitate(unless she makes 4x times as much or the laws are changed or anulled).

             The risks far outweighs the benifits.

    Marriage strike 4 Life!

    "If we accept the old feminist argument that marriage is slavery for women, then it is undeniable that -- given the current state of the nation's family courts -- divorce is slavery for men."

  9. People are reporting more; they didn't used to because the police didn't take it seriously.  Family violence was viewed as a family secret, and you don't air your dirty linen in public .  Everything was swept under the carpet.

    As to your question, its waaaaaaaaaaaay more peaceful now then it was when I was growing up.  But you wouldn't know about that because you weren't alive "before feminism".   You are too young to have any reference point.  

    The threat of punishment acts a deterrent.  It would be unwise to send your kids off to school with black-and-blue bruises and welts across their legs, or to have your wife show up for work the next day with a black eye.  People will suspect something is amiss.  I went to school, stripped down to shorts for gym class and there were visible bruises and welts on my legs.  The teachers must have seen them, but nobody ever said a thing to me about it.   Thanks to the hard work of feminists the abused now have resources available to them.  There were none in my day.  And the police will lay charges even if they didn't actually see the violence happen: indisputable evidence in the form of  bruises and broken bones speak volumes.  Prior to the 1980's the police actually had to witness the attack in order to lay charges.  As you can well guess, by the time the police arrived the show was over.  And so the police would leave, and the cycle of violence would start anew.

    Feminism is responsible for taking corporal punishment out of the schools - you know, when boys (supposedly) did better?  No ADD in those days!  A sore butt or welts across the palms of the hands but never any boys suffering with  ADD...  it's a miracle.

    @Master B:  When these guys rant and rave about how wonderful the world ones "before feminism" they are referring to the Second Wave which began in the tail end of the 1960's and lasted throughout the 1970's.  So they are really referring to the 1950's - mid 1960's.  You need to get the vernacular straight.

    Our shelters are full to overflowing.  We have to turn thousands of women and children away every year.  There is no space.

  10. No. By spreading manhatred and unrealistic expectations from men, femminism isnt making homes around the world more peaceful.

  11. no the feminist movement is kicking out the men of the home environment and keeping his hard earned under the factitious statement its for the children the reality is that the women see the children as an income and all complain that its not enough they also enjoy the power play it empowers them they don't need a man then promote the man hatred through the next generation as it is all his fault men however must take it and be Mr reasonable no matter what the female dose without recourse

  12. The feminist movement is supposed to be there in part to hold a mirror up to chauvanists and that will also include male women bashers/ abusers. The hope was for these women bashers/ abusers - to see themselves more clearly and then somehow develop a concience, but being typical, they just found other ways to dodge and compound the problem. Basically, you can train Chimpanzees quite well, without holding up mirrors to them.

  13. Yes, but it's so hard to keep up with all the violence and poverty generated by men, though, all the wars, raping, child abuses, domestic violence, gun deaths (40,000 per year in the U.S. alone), child and family abandonment, reckless fatal auto accidents, fighting, g*y bashing, stealing, vandalism, s*x slavery, oppression, locking girls out of school, forcing girls under 14 to marry, serial killing, militant religious all-male led "faiths", bigotry, racism, sexism, child p**n, Catholic priests molesting children, prison rape, murder, knivings, slash films, etc.  At least women and children are starting to have a better chance all over the world against those savageries with massive efforts underway spearheaded by the World Bank and the U.N. Millennium Goals, to reduce the violence of suffering among those who have been exploited and harmed long enough in "masculinist" cultures where many men think nothing of raping an eight month old baby, for example.

  14. The issue of domestic violence is a complicated one because very often men who are abused are ignored, if a man gets angry and yells at a woman he is considered abusive (even if he doesn't hit her) but when a woman physically abuses her husband or even cuts off his p***s she is considered a "symbol of the movement",a libereated woman who valiantly fights against male oppression, you can see these discrepancies in almost all of the western world, in some countries, when a man refuses to have s*x with his wife when he is not in the mood,questions his wife's behavior,insult her(as if women never insult men),threatens to not work or even interrupt a woman he is considered a batterer even though a lot of women(and almost any married persons) are guilty of these very things.

  15. It would have made a difference among the middle classes in rich countries..... but that's about it.

  16. Depends. Is there really a

    woman in your home who is not a blood relative.

    Probably not.

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