
Dominican Republic Hurricane Fay?

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I was wondering how bad the hurricane was in Domincan Republic, Im going on vacation to Punta Cana this week and im very worried. Can you guys give me some more information on this hurricane




  1. Waters will be all stirred up and take a while for it to settle..and that musky smell will be all over in the air.

  2. Storm Fay actually, everything here is alright so you can come and dont be worry, just a lot of rain and wind, but everything is back to reality here

  3. It's bad it already took a few lives and flooded a few places. Have fun though!

  4. Fay is not and has never been a hurricane.  It is a tropical storm.  It would become a hurricane with sustained winds of 74 mph.  The reports I saw from the local news was that it was bad.  As it moved over the Dominican Republic sustained winds were never above 45 mph.  I wouldn't think that damage was that bad unless it had to do with flooding caused by extreme rain.

  5. Nothing serious happened over here so don't worry about it.


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