
Dominican Republic and hurricane season?

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My friend and I are visiting DR in late August/ early September. We have concerns about booking an all-inclusive week-long vacation and having it canceled / ruined due to heavy rain, winds, or a hurricane.

I read on Trip Advisor that the northern part of the country (I'm guessing around Puerto Plata) is immune to hurricanes. Is there truth to that? Are we picking the worst time to go?




  1. Ask Happy Feet, he  knows all about it!

  2. Hi Alex Z.,

    I live for many years in Puerto Plata and we never had any serious problems with hurricanes. Late August/begin September is as good as any time, it is possible you will have sometimes a bit of rain (10 to 20 min) but nothing to spoil your day or your vacations. In Puerto Plata you will have both worlds: Good resorts with big beach and so much to do! If you need more info just contact me and I will be happy to help you. The unique excursion of Isabela Historica is now available but not in hotels.

    Happy Feet

  3. Although it is hurricaine season, the chances of one hitting where you will be are low.  The big mistake you are making is however, booking an all-inclusive.  The all-ins are for really cheap boring people, so you are better off just booking yourself into a nice hotel somewhere in Sosua or Cabarete, and then going out to some of the many nice restaurants and bars around there and eat what you want when you want.

  4. Although the time you are planning on visiting the DR is a hurricane season you probably don’t have to worry about it. We don’t get hit that often by these creations of nature thanks God. And you are correct in the event that one does hit the DR, more likely would not pass through the north part of the island which is Puerto Plata. Again, don’t think a hurricane might hit us and as proof let tell you that in a 110 years span only 4 hurricanes have hit us. Just pick your favorite vacation spot and think positive about the trip. Have fun!

  5. Puerto Plata is really the best!

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