
Domino's Pizza Size?

by Guest21435  |  earlier

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So I ordered Domino's 5-5-5 today. I haven't had it in about a month, but when I opened the box the pizza looked really tiny. My 5-5-5 were mediums (obviously) and deep dish. However, they looked soo tiny. And remember, I've had it many times before so I know what the slices are supposed to look like. Does anybody know if they cut back on the sizes for a medium? I've also just remembered that they have that 4-4-4 deal, and although I've never had it, it could be possible that they accidentally gave me one of those...what do you guys think?




  1. u should have returned it and ordered 4 a new one.

  2. Donatos makes better pizza,, and everyone is cutting back on size and portions they sell.. hoping no one notices.

  3. I think they sent you the wrong Pizzas.  Get out the ruler and measure them.

    The 5-5-5 deal is 12" medium 1-topping Pizzas.

    The 4-4-4 deal is 10" Pizzas with 1-topping.

  4. it's not too late. i would still call,  i mean, what's the worse that can happen?

  5. if they gave you the wrong size, you should of called dominos up and said to them about receiving the wrong size pizza and you would like another and for your time, a few freebies :D

  6. No there still deep dish they could have given you thin crust on accident i had that there once and didnt like it at all
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