
Don´t you think Christian Americans are fueling Atheist fervor by asking for the secularization of Islam???

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I mean, this tactic can backfire....




  1. Which Christian Americans have been asking for that? -- details and links, please!

  2. never heard that before...Christians, like almost everyone else wants Muslims to stop killing each other and anyone they disagree with...

  3. Hello,

    I would think the Atheists would be happy with the secularization of Islam since more ideas would abound and encourage many Muslims to rethink their faith BUT:

    Just like Christian fundamentalists claim that God's wrath is coming down upon America for the decadence, pornography, all this same s*x stuff etc, some groups of Muslims since the late 1940's maintain that Islamic countries have been punished by Allah (God) in losing wars, being colonized and humiliated for accepting Western ways and getting away from the teachings of the Koran. This all started in the mid 18th century when the Ottoman Empire, seeing it was losing ground and parts of her empire to the West, brought in European military advisers for technical support and along with that came their customs, dress, ideas and attitudes which were displeasing to God.

    For many years these fundamentalists were shot or jailed in prison camps but their resentment festered. After the Colonial powers left the strong men from Nasser to the Shah and Saddam kept them in their place but with the push for freedom and secularization a big Pandora's Box has been opened letting these people loose on the world.

    In conclusion, yes, I already see this tactic backfiring but not in the way you think. Should Islamic fundamentalism get much stronger in may parts of the world, Children of The Book. aka Christians and Jews will be ok so long as they mind their P's and Q's but Atheists will certainly have a very tough time unless they shut their mouths and keep a low profile,


    Michael Kelly

  4. Good, I hope all their stupid tactics backfire.

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