
Don't Like Mother-In-Law's Nickname for My Baby?

by  |  earlier

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What should I say to her? For some reason I just dont like the nickname she's calling my baby, and she's the only one who does kind of really bothers me everytime she says it. I think she calls her the name because she cant really say her real name.....but I dont know how to tell her, help?




  1. Who cares?my kids have different nicknames from all my family/friends.It is only a NICKNAME

  2. You have to be honest with family members, that's the whole deal with family. You have to be honest. Therefore, tell her. If she's one of those mother and laws who hates you, it's your baby. Not hers. Punch her if she doesn't listen. :)

  3. Tell her how to say babys name, and ask that she does not call her nick names... Im sure she will understand.... or tell her the doctor said that you should call her by her real name for the first year of her life, so that she can learn it? IDK just a

  4. first of all what is your child's name and what is the nickname?  second of all you have the right to tell her to stop using it and find another.  OR maybe you are overreacting?  Take a moment to chill out about it and think about your feelings.

  5. Tell her the nickname your husband and you have decided on for your child. Explain to your mother in law you only want to use one nickname or you would only like to call your child by their real name so that your child learns to respond to that name and is not blind due to mass confussion. If worse comes to worse have your husband sit down with his mother and explain flat out that the two of you feel the name she has given to your child is inapprpopriate and that you chose the name you chose for a reason!

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