
Don't Palestinians care about their own History?

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let's look at some history:

"The Hebrew word Filastin (פלסטין) appears in the Hebrew Bible in reference to this non-Semite group whose origin was in the region of Greece. The Philistines became settlers along the Mediterranean, adjacent to the Jewish nation."

what does this tell us?

1. there was always a jewish nation of israel in the region.

2. palestinian territory never included israeli territory.

3. real palestinians are non-arab, i.e. non-semitic.

so why are contemporary people calling themselves palestinians selling out their own history by denying the existence of israel, wanting a palestinian state on israeli land, and claiming they are palestinian when in fact they are arab.

i'm just asking because tradition is so important in Judaism, but i guess it's not so in some other cultures. still, that's a long way to sell out your history for hate.




  1. The history is right. I've took a look at it and it’s correct, but that’s a wrong way to claim land. I don't say Palestinians have the right to be there because of the ancient Philistinians, but because they lived there and are still living there, yes, I know, alongside the Jews, so these people can create a country composed and ruled by the two groups. It’s not up to the Brits to decide what to name people’s land and who to govern it.

    If an empire, kingdom, existed 3000 years ago, does that mean it can come back? And come back like Israel, without any compromise with the Palestinians who were living there, and were innocent in the Jewish exiles. Do you know what would happen if all countries could claim that they have the right over previously held land that belonged to them at least 500 years ago? I don’t see why Israel can be an exception.

  2. The word is Phlishtim    ÃƒÂ—¤×œ×™×©×˜×™× , at no place in the Old  Testament  does it say פלסטין

    The  ÃƒÂ—¤×œ×™×©×˜×™×   were a people that came from Greece and back there they went, a while back someone said Arabs of the Gaza should claim Greece,

  3. Give it up. If a propaganda spin isn't working try something new. We all know the entire region has been called Palestine for thousands of years and we all know there was never any Jewish Kingdom.

  4. i agree

  5. Yes, they sold out their history. How sad.

    True Arab "palestinians" are actually Syrian, Jordanian, and Lebanese mixed with Egyptian.

    "The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa. While as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan." -- PLO Executive Committee member Zuhayr Muhsin, March 31, 1977, interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw."

    Look at the history and tradition of those countries one can see volumes of history and tradition.  

    The "palestinian" people were created and orphaned then left at the doorstep of Israel. The creation of this "palestinian" people came from the imagination of anti-semitic Arab leaders to create a political resistance against Israel. They have no historic identity other than this and with that "new" identity they've given up historic identity of their past.  Human beings being trafficked for a political cause.  How sad.

  6. Iam going to tell a small story to the population , and i apologize if iam a race person bcoz am palestinian

    1st thing 1st , Every one knows the country which is called , Yemen , well this country used to and still has a lot of Jewish , those people Follows David and follows the Jews religion and they are 100% arabs belongs to arabian gulf land and they deny that there is a single right to that country Israel , anyhow In Rome , i read an article which is about this issue , and am educated well to be talking facts , long time ago ( during the state of phonix ) belvore came up and gave the jewish of USA  and Europe a Promise , which is Finding/Buying them a country and its was all bcoz of the Halocust , now , after a few decades belvore's promise went to be Pending but Satis Pizo's Pie , which was talking about GIVING the Jewish a land called Isreal republic an tht was on the 19th century , as we all know that Syria and Lebanon and Palestine ( Jerusalm ) was raped from france and UK , however, jewish took less that 20% from palestine and they started to build an ilegal towns and they started to occupie the country by tricks and the power of the foriegn countries untill 1948 whish was the catastorophie , they Isrealian army bunrt Jerousalim and bait el maqdes ( jerusalim ) and the palestinain people had to leave their lands , most of them went to lebanon and Jordan and the people who is from Gaza strip went to egypt United nations didnot comment or make any fair soloution , the rest of Jewish who is from Yemen and Iran etc etc ... made a lot of protests around the world to librate palestine , now ,  that was about the country , about the religious belives , The jwish Bible ? yes, its exist , but its no longer in use bcoz any god despite of being the right one , wont order the belivers to KILL AND TERMINATE the occupied country , they modified the religion and they gather their selves around the world , thats why the hebrew is close to Arabic and ancient Latino ... after these facts which has confirmed that Isreal isnt a country , and palestine is occupied , and Hebrew is a language in comon , and the right Jewishism is not in Isreal , do u people still think that Isreal is a legal country after occupied lebanese people and syrian julan for ex. ?

  7. Like it's now 2008...look at what's going on, on the ground, how is your history lesson going to help? Cheers!

  8. Yes,I think they do. I guess you are saying there was/is no Palestine/Palestinians,which means you are saying there were certain Israeli leaders that didn't exist.

  9. I have no idea what source you are using but Herodotus is the first great historian and he covers the area extensively. There are numerous remarks on Palestine,Syria and Phoenicia,not a single reference to jews or any alleged jewish kingdom,for which there is virtually no historical evidence whatsoever. Palestinians are quite familiar with their history; they've been there at least 3,500 years. It is jews who appear to be unfamiliar with the history of the region. No,the term Palestine has no relation to Philistia at all.

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