
Don't You Think American Students Would Be Successful If those In Charge would Stop Putting Foreigners Ahead?

by  |  earlier

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They Refuse to acept their Credits or Credentials for the Work they Have Done, Cheat them Out of Financial Aid and their GI Bills..Why Bother, When Their Idetities are Stolen, false Information, then Turn Around and Accept everything Foreign Students come here and Achieve etc..?




  1. Yes and maybe give them free college education also, why isn't the great ACLU standing up for American students?  Take care  Merry christmas

  2. Yes totally! It is so unfair that sometimes our country would give precedance to students who are not even citizens. I have to work my butt off in school to get a meager scholarship whereas the students who aren't even citizens can have a "cultural scholarship" for doing nothing except being a foreigner. I'm so sick of it. If you work hard, you should be rewarded not just because a college wants to keep their ratio of diversity high.

  3. Foreign students have the right to compete with citizens and participate in a fair playing ground.

  4. My wife's brother is a 'foreign student' going to a University in California.  He is paying the 'non-resident' rate for tuition and not getting any financial aid.  

    And his grades are better than yours because he studies a lot harder than the typical American college student.

  5. Seems to be the over-all trend in this country right now.  If you're an illegal alien, you have all kinds of "rights" but if you're actually a citizen or here legally, you must produce all kinds of evidence and even then you probably have no rights to anything.  Hmmm.  Maybe we'd all be better off to just say "I'm here illegally" and then we'd never need a Social Security card or any insurance or financial aid for college, since life is apparently free those who are here illegally.  (And why is it that those of us who work for a living and try to be good, legal citizens, owe these people something?!)

    P.S. To mike:  I graduated with a 4.0, and my taxes are paying for many of these people's educations, groceries, etc.  I'm not real happy about it.  However, I commend your brother-in-law for his efforts.  I strongly suspect he is the exception.

  6. Foreign students aren't the problem, the problem is the government or institutions that you think are giving them the advantage. Foreigners are just people like you who are looking for a better education, a better life. That's not bad. We deserve to be treated as equals, and that's the way the  government and institution's should treat us. No favoritism to any of us. The best and most qualified person should be the one who gets it. A fair playing ground as some said before me.

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