
Don't You Think This Is Mean.?

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kay, my friend started talking to this one guy on myspace thats a year younger than her and he likes her. shes 13+he's 12. and he asked her out and she said yes even though she doesnt even like him. and she was making me promise her she wouldnt tell anyone about him or his age.(this is her first bf) and i was like why are you ashamed of your bf and she and she was like if you tell anyone about him im not gonna talk to you in french and i was like your ashamed of him and she said well at least i have a boyfriend and i hung up the phone.

sorry its just i feel bad for the kid cuz shes using him just to have a bf and she likes another guy at our school and shes gonna cheat on her bf she said.

isnt that mean?!




  1. Very :(  

  2. Yeah. Your friend is a total weeiner. I wouldnt call her a friend anymore. It really hurts to be used.  

  3. your friend is so immature. oh gosh.

  4. omg, thats mean :(

  5. Oh for god sake.

    Tell her he's probably a forty year old paedo, she shouldn't be talking or getting involved with strangers online at 13. Guess she'll have to find out for herself.

  6. Nooo thats not mean at all! you did what you had to do. and know she probably knows not 2 be ashamed at what she has and not take it on you! you know?

  7. yeah that's really mean. how do you think her myspace boyfriend is going to feel when he finds out he was being used?

  8. wow i see quite a few divorces and fatherless kids in her future!

  9. How does a 13 year old cheat on a 12 year old? By holding hands in the playground with the other boy? Come on, its not even a relationship. It is kind of mean though.

  10. That is mean, but she is just young and doesn't understand that she doesn't need a boyfriend all the time. She'll grow out of it though. If she ever uses that 'Well at least I have a boyfriend' line again though I would tell her "Well at least I'm not desperate."  

  11. Yikes! Honestly, that's not cool. I feel bad for your friend because she wants a boyfriend so bad that she's willing to use somebody to get one, and I feel bad for the kid because he's being used by a girl that he actually likes. You were right to call her out on it- and she doesn't sound like much of a friend if she's threatening to not talk to you over something that's true. You might want to consider telling the kid she's lying if she doesn't tell him- you just might lose your friend then, and if you still actually value the friendship, that wouldn't be good. Hope it all turns out for the best! =D ~Ellsah

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