
Don't You hate it when _____.?

by  |  earlier

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Someone walks passed you and accidently hit you while going to the next aisle or somewhere. and doesnt say sorry or oops my bad! or anything! they r snobs.




  1. ya

  2. i run them over with my shopping kart repeatedly until their face is bleeding.

  3. yeahhh i hate this kind of people they are disgusting

  4. It bugs me very much. They are rude and self absorbed. You can feel when you bump into someone, so it's not like they didn't notice.

  5. yea

  6. depends on the situation, if you are in a crowded city they are probably used to it so being bumped and not saying anything would be normal to them and not s****., but if it's in a non-crowded area and they are not running or in a super rush then yes, it would be kinda s****. i think anyway....

  7. yup

  8. Gosh yes!  No one is in that much of a hurry not to say SOMETHING.  I surely hope I raise my children better than that!

  9. I do it when i'm trying to cop-a-feel

  10. in some situations, yes. but in my high school we have so many kids that  its impossible to get to class without bumping into people and if i stopped to say sorry to every single person, i'd be outta breath. but in public i totally agree with you.

  11. That's rude.

  12. I had a workmate that is legally blind. She used to do this when going shopping, she didnt mean to and she looks like she can see (she has tunnel vision). So best to not stir people up and let it go.  

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