
Don't call me a "prego"?

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Does anyone else get really annoyed with people saying "pregos", "a prego", or "preggers"? Personally I think it makes them sound stupid and immature.




  1. Yah it bugs the c**p out of me,  I don`t know why people can`t just refer to things by their proper name, and not stupid elementary references.  

  2. yes I agree but I use the short term because I do not know how to spell.

  3. "Preggers" particularly bothers me... it's so bogan!

  4. brother calls me is kind of annoying, but he's just a proud uncle who's trying to make me smile, LOL

  5. Don't let people call you that!"Prego" is a p**n term for a person who has s*x during there pregnancy,[like a dirty w***e]and if anyone calls you that just walk away.

  6. I have more important things to worry about.  Besides, of all the slang I've heard, prego isn't too bad.

  7. hehheh...i think its kinda sounds funny like that buit i wouldent call a woman that..i only catt a cat that if there pregers....

  8. lol I'm sorry I do.......I'll work on stopping now though

  9. I find it irritating. There are so many names now PG, preggo, preggy. I prefer PREGNANT.  

  10. I absolutely love it!!! its only temporary and Its all out of love!!!

  11. yea it is kinda annoying, wen did this start? who started it? nd pregnant is not that hard to say...mayb a baby said it cuz they couldnt pronouce pregnant..but that still doesnt make it acceptable for people who can say it to not...

  12. yea kinda since prego is a type of tomato sauce

    so it's like, 'um....she's not a tomato based substance.'

    lol i don't really mind when people say it

    but preggers sounds weird.

  13. Yes! it's sooooo annoying and so "baby momma-ish".

  14. its usually young people that use those particular terms..and ya gotta admit..if your stupid and immature to fall pregnant @ 15 or 16, then your entitled to use as many stupid and immature words as you want to describe your condition..LOL

  15. sometimes I say prego to shorten my typing but preggers I don't know y thry say that it's the same smount of letters and yes I find it irritating u know what else is irritating kidney stones and the iPhone ugh  

  16. How about a lego?

  17. I've never heard an adult say that. Must be a kid thing.

  18. If you are asking my opinion - it never bothered me. Even sounded kinda cute. lol

    But hey, what can I say - to each their own. If you don't like it, you don't have to use it. U can tell people not to call you that.

    Words only have the meaning that we attach to them.  

  19. I dont't like it either!!

  20. personally I cant stand this stupid preggers thing... god it annoys me.

  21. The next time someone calls you preggo--call them an eggo--waffle that is and inform them that is what causes it in the first place--make them fell pretty dumb, I would think.

  22. it mks them snd like a 12 yr old whoz stupd

  23. I alwys liked calling women Preggers, it makes them all pissy. There's nothing funnier than seeing a misshappen women with rage in her eyes.

  24. Yes! I was really starting to think I was the only one who thought that.  

  25. I hate preggers!  And prego is what men say when they have gobbled down too many wings and beers.

    There are not very many nice names for being pregnant.  With child?  How weird.  It is like you are going for an English euphemism.  Bun in the oven - Lord do I hate that one.  I am not an appliance and my child is not a yeasty concoction.  Expecting?  Women expect a lot of stuff and are often disappointed.  Are they trying to say this will be different or more of the same.  I don't like rolling the dice with my bun.

    Finally "She is getting ready to pop!"  Ugh.  Bite me, get lost and whatever you do keep your grimy paws off my belly... and no... it is not an outy yet!!!

  26. personally I think "baby momma" and "baby daddy" sound low brow and unintelligant

  27. Yup. It takes the beauty out of the situation too.

  28. haha agreed.  

  29. i agree, i find these words immature and degrading...

  30. nope, it comes with the territory!

  31. Yeah, I think its such a stupid word. How hard is it just to say "Pregnant"?

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