
Don't driving instructors feel guilty about their impact on environment?

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These days people are being encourages not to many any non-essential car journeys - yet that is how a driving instructor makes their living!! Their career is one big carbon footprint! And not only do they use loads of precious petrol, but they enable others to do the same by teaching people to drive and allowing them into the world of driving!!

I was just thinking about this as I have just got a car and am learning to drive, but haven't yet had lessons. I think all the environmental issues must have been drilled into me, as although I would like to learn to drive, the journeys I make are often pointless just for me to practice and I feel a little guilty for this.

Do driving instuctors feel guilty? Do they care about the environment?

Are there any other proffessions that people ought to feel guilty in?




  1. Feel guilty about help others to become self sufficient and self reliant?  Your question lacks any form of logic. My father taught me how to shoot, using your logic somehow he's taught me to be a murderer simply because some murders are committed with firearms.

    If you feel guilty about learning to drive (it's you right to feel guilty if you want) then DON'T learn to drive, instead spend the rest of  your life knowing that you'll either be walking, riding a bicycle, hiring a cab, bumming rides from friends and family etc for the rest of your life.

  2. If there were no driving instructors, no one would know how to drive. Until there is a viable public transportation system, that is not a good alternative.

    You can lessen your own guilt by driving an efficient car, by not speeding, and by combining multiple errands into one trip. Once you are comfortable with driving, you can of course skip unessential trips, or walk or bike when possible.

    I think pretty much every profession has something to feel guilty about. I'm a chemist at a pharmaceutical company, and not only do I create a lot of hazardous waste (which is properly disposed of) I have learned that generic drug companies are just as greedy as brand name companies.

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