
Don't give up: Has anyone ever said this to you? and why?

by  |  earlier

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Don't give up: Has anyone ever said this to you? and why?




  1. I was doing a keg stand and was trying to reach the 1 minute mark.

  2. I don't know but it's aggravating as c**p....and rude!

    What's also rude is when someone say "Smile"....that pisses me off so bad...did they ever stop to think that I'm not "Smiling" because they are standing in front of me!

  3. yes, when I thought that I was going to fail my final exams.

  4. Yeah. . .my friend only, though

    fam sucks at saying stuff like that

    they told me when I wanted todrop out of AP Bio and boi am I glad they did :)

  5. Yeah.  All my friends when i was taking care of my dying father

  6. Yes, my math teacher about struggling to pass the math regents.

  7. Yes, when i was finding the study a little hard going. worth it in the end.

  8. yeah my friends when i was on the weed (:

  9. yea when i thought i couldnt make it through school

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