
Don't know what's going on... Maybe you will...

by  |  earlier

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I've been wearing contacts for about a half of a year now, and i'm guilty of leaving them in at night. YES- the optometrist said that i'm supposed to put them in in the morning and take them out at night. But i'd put them in, take them out a week later for thirty minutes, and wear the same pair over and over again like that for a little over a month. That's how one pack of contacts lasted me almost half a year!

ANYWAY, my right eye contact (my last pair) ripped the other night WHILE in my eye, at a restaurant. I got up, went to the bathroom, took them out and threw them away.

Last night my left eye started to hurt INSANELY bad. It felt like it had dried up and was about to fall out (while at the same time it was producing tears and was still very much in tact. lol)

I went to sleep and it felt a LITTLE better this morning, but still hurts pretty badly. It's not hurting AS bad, but now it's very pink- turning red.

My ESSENTIAL question is- Is my eye infected from overusing the contacts, is it irritated for some reason (just a sudden change in its condition maybe), or did i coincidentally get pink eye at the same time my contacts went bad? Just tell me what you think's going on. Ha. Thanks.





  1. Sounds like pink eye to me... and it's very possible that you got infected because of overusing the contacts. I have a friend who gets eye infections if she accidentally leaves her contacts in for a half-hour nap, so infections due to contact overuse are definitely possible (although in most cases they don't happen as easily). You should go see a doctor about the eye infection (the eyedrops they give you work like a charm to clear up the infection), and be super careful with your contact use, especially until the infection clears up fully.

  2. I agree with Xarrium and it sounds like you scratched your eye-I've done it- also It may clear up on its own but i would see an eye doctor; check out throw away contacts.

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