
Don't know what carpet to get to go with my wallpaper??

by  |  earlier

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The wallpaper is white with large pink and silver flowers...

What carpet should i get?? I dont want white as it will easily see dirt?? i will post a pic if i can




  1. Check this area rug out you might like it:

    Hope this helps! Good luck with your search!

  2. Don't get carpet to match your wall paper. You need to get a neutral color of carpet such as taupe or something similar. We carpeted our house and it cost around $6000. It is much cheaper to change you mind about your walls other than your carpet. A lot of colors of capet are 'fad' colors and in a few years will look out dated. Such as avocado green carpet---that was then...a neutral color will go with any wall decor and look fine.

  3. Pink


    other bubbley colors!

  4. Cute wallpaper! You should go with a neutral carpet. Gray would look really nice. Then you can get a funky shag throw rug in silver or whatever you like to add a splash of color.

  5. Mauve, or a light silver grey.  It depends on your mood.  That is a cool wallpaper by the way.

  6. You may want to research more about carpet before making a final decision...... see the following pages on carpet..

    Also, check out the greeen flooring guide on the following page:

    Hope this helps!

  7. How about Teal? Thats will look great!

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