
Don't know what to do, i'm so heartbroken?

by  |  earlier

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I was with my boyfriend 5 years, the last year before we broke up we had problems with his ex-roomate. She claims they had something going on, he says nothing ever happened. I did find emails were she would talk about their "relationship" but I also knew that she wanted to break us up, blah blah blah. I just didn't know who to believe anymore, but my gut was telling me to let go and move on. This was one year ago, I dated other guys but I just want's happy, I missed my ex. So I decided to give him a chance and try things again because I still love him.

We've barely been talking for a couple of weeks and last night I found out he has a baby. The bad part is not the baby because I know it's not her fault, but he had the baby with his ex-roomate!! He tells me that it happened after we broke up. I did do the math and it does add up to what he says. I'm just so hurt because out of all the women in the world, he ended up having a baby with the person I dislike the most. It makes me think that he did have some feelings for her because it seemed like he didn't waste anytime.

They're not together, I know that for a fact, she lives 6 hours away from were we live, but I'm just so confused, he says that he never thought I would give him another chance and that he's sorry for hurting me and for how things turned out to be. He loves his baby but he wishes he never did what he did.




  1. sounds like he learned his lesson. you need to be strong and not let his words get to you. it sounds like he definetly had feelings for this roommate and them living in the same apartment,, i mean commone i dont mean to be harsh but. they are living int he same place and then when you guys break up they sleep together. sounds like thier feelings have been there for awhile.

    i hope for the best.

  2. im sorry to say this but this guy didn't know that you were going to give him a second chance. you were broken up for a year and he got on with this life. the fact that he had a baby with a person you dont like is irrelevant he didnt have to worry about you liking the person he was with because you were broken up. so i dont think you have the right to be upset that a) he has a baby and b) it is with someone you dont like. he was hardly going to hang around for a year waiting on you. people have to et on with there life' shouldn't hold this against him.

  3. wait so are you dating him now?

  4. Well... Coming from experience I think you did the right thing as far as giving him a second chance to work with your relationship YES i think that if you would of not given him a second chance you would of always doubted what would of been.  Two he is a LIAR!!! First of all you were broken up for a year but the ENTIRE time he BEGGED you to come back and never once mentioned he got a baby on the way!  Gee that's something that if he was trying to be honest he would of told you granted he wasn't with you but if he cared that's something you dont leave out.  Three you deserve someone that will adore you and kiss the ground you walk on.  Four you are a beautiful woman with higher standards don't settle for less.  If you don't think about yourself trust me he is certainly not thinking of YOU! and Five give it time Danny your heart will heal and you'll realize you are BETTER OFF WITHOUT the BABY MAMA DRAMA cuz if you look at it it's a LIFETIME ISSUE you are dealing with now. It's NEVER going to go away and neither is the BABY MAMA!

  5. Wow!

    Stick with him! work on your relationship and don't let go.

    If what you're saying is true then your boyfriend is committed

    to this relationship. I would've given him a second

    chance as well. It won't be easy but, i personally

    believe,  he's someone worth keeping in your life.

    This girl that you dislike so much Lives far

    away so unless he's willing to meet up with her,

    NOTHING should happen. Keep a close eye on him

    while you re-build your trust.

    Good Luck :]

  6. You have to let him go.  It's good to hear that at least he is interested in being responsible and taking care of his baby.  There's too many dead-beat dad's out there.  But you deserve to have someone that's going to totally dedicated to you.  He can't be anymore.

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