
Don't know what to do about my male cat?

by  |  earlier

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It's almost time for him to go get fixed, do you think he'll calm down after he gets fixed, because right now he's being a pain, i get after him with the water bottle but he thinks i'm playing and i even slap him on the behind but he still thinks i'm playing, what should i do?




  1. Get him fixed as soon as possible.  For one thing, the longer you wait, the sooner they will start to spray.  If you catch them early enough, they will squat insteat.  This means less stink for you in the long run.  As for his attitude, it will calm them down a bit, but he is still a young cat and will be a bit rambunctious til he gets past 1 year at least.

  2. is he a kitten? sounds like it. he may calm down a little.

  3. In what way is he being a pain ???

    What excatly is he doing  

  4. if he is not doing anything wrong then just don't give him any attention but he is probably just a cat that has a lot of energy I recommend playing with the cat to get the energy out of him or to put him on your lap and pet him to get him to calm down

  5. If your cat is just a kitten, then yes, he'll calm down on his own after a few months. However, get him fixed ASAP or he's going to go from playful to aggressive. Not to mention he'll start spraying, and THAT is a pain if ever there was one.

    Long distance toys (like feathers on a string, toy balls, or a laser pointer) are what I would recommend for burning off some of that excess energy. Give him stuff to chase, so he'll be less likely to get underfoot.

    Hope that helps!

  6. Don't know what he's doing to be a pain.  Be more specific. Having him neutered will calm aggression but it won't cause him to lose all his playful charm. Try distracting him from mischief with a toy or treats instead of hitting him and spraying him. It usually takes about 4 weeks for all the testosterone to leave his system after neutering but it will definitely be beneficial to him to have it done.

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