I feel like there is nothing worth living for, i just don't know what to do with my life. i have to decide what to do with my life and it hurts so much to just think about it, i sometimes feel like it would be easier to just not decide at all. i really do feel depressed sometimes and i feel like i just wanna end it all because that would be the easy way out. see, I am from Italy but I spent the last 2 years in California. I came here as a nanny and i really love the family that i was with. after one year i was supposed to go home but i decided to stay and go to college here. but i still live with my host family and i still work for them. Now the thing is, i go to a community college here because frankly, i cannot afford to go to one of the private universities. i know that an education from a community college is not going to help me much in life and unless i get a scholarship, i dont think i have a chance to got o a university. well, in italy i could afford a good university. another thing is, i have a lot of friends who are nannies but they all leave after a year, leaving me here in california feeling alone and sad. i do have some american friends but it is extremely hard to befriend people here because they already have good friends. i miss my friends in italy a lot, but i also know that going back to italy just because i would be closer to my friends doesnt make much sense. i made a lot of really good friends here, friends who were nannies, and when they leave i feel like i should leave too sometimes i think that i am just not brave enough or strong enough to say good bye to my host family who i love so much, and just move on with my life. i dont know what to do, i love my host family and i cannot imagine leaving them but at the same time i know that i am going to have to leave them eventually because they are not going to need a nanny forever. i dont know how i can decide, i mean, what should i do - go back to italy, be with my friends and get an ok education and lead a pretty predictable life, or stay in california, where i love the city and my hostfamily but where i don't get a very good education and where i feel pretty lonely. please help me, i would appreciate any comments!