
Don't know what to talk about to this one girl? ?

by  |  earlier

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In one of my classes there's a girl that sits next to me and she seems pretty nice. I am planning on talking to her but I have no idea what to say. Any advice? I have a hard time socializing with people I don't know yet.




  1. if the teacher sucks then say

    "man i hate this teacher!!"

    and they will probably agree

    or if you are bored of something,

    say it.

    or if they are in another ne of your

    classes, ask "arent you in _____ class?"

    anything school related will break

    the ice.

    good luck!

  2. you can say, "hey, how r u?"

  3. Just ask how she is. Or maybe be like "Hey, have you seen the movie _____ (insert movie name that you've seen)? I just saw it last night."

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