
Don't married couples get sick and tired of be living in denial all the time?

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Don't married couples get sick and tired of be living in denial all the time?




  1. You need to be a bit more specific, dear.  Denial?  Of what?  

  2. Living in denial-

    You mean, are the tired of each other?  Wish they could have s*x with someone else?  They are not happy?  

    The thing is that no matter how you live, for example, if you choose to never marry, then you are alone and wish to have someone constant.  You will not be young and attractive to the same kinds of ppl forever.  So, when your forty or fifty, all those cute young guys that you like being 'free' with will no longer want to be 'free' with you because you are old. It doesnt mean that we are all meant for marriage, some ppl will not do well in a marriage and there's nothing wrong with that.

    If that's the case with you, then so be it.  But I feel that you would not bring up the subject unless you yourself are in DENIAL about marriage and would like to be married.  Please dont spread your bitterness to those who are happy in their marriage.

  3. only if they live in denial.

  4. I don't get it .

  5. The word "denial" makes me think that you are hinting that the marriage is a sham.  If that is the case, get out.  Life is short, be happy! :)

  6. Tuco believes it would get old very fast.


  7. denial means you want to boink other people of your interests

    boy thats pathetic when people get married and then poke around at other people for a need they lack in the marriage when all you need is COMMUNICATION & TRUST&RESPECT&LOVE

    but if you don't have these essentials and your greedy and selfish then why get married unless your a gold digger and a good actor,

    The only reason why people ask these is because their in a rut and want to get out and think the whole world is the same

  8. I live in denial I was married to my ex at all.

  9. how are they living in denial? explain more please.

  10. There is no denial.

  11. Denial of what?

    This makes ZERO sense to me.......

  12. Denial?  Denial of what?  My wife and I (jokingly) say we hate each other all the time, while just yesterday I drove her to work and she got out of the car, and I said "I hate you" and she smiled, kissed me and said "I hate you too"  

    There is no denial in my marriage.  We're as honest as it gets, and not affraid to call each other out on it.  We are equal partners, therefore we dish it out as much as we take it"

    Thats the way to a successfull Marriage. lol

  13. This question is living in denial

  14. I like Denial. He fixes everything around the house. He even mows the lawn sometimes

  15. I think that you are asking if married couples get sick and tired of living a pretend kind of life... pretending that all is okay when it isn't, pretending to love some one because they made a single phrase vow many years ago and now are bound by it etc...   Ya they do but you will never get the majority to admit it hon... sorry they won't.  To admit that marriage is NOT the happily ever after bill of goods that they thought they bought means that basically they are lost... really it does.  So now you are working through the idea that what you bought into years ago doesn't exist.  It's tough isn't it?  I found that out early, accepted it and went from there.  I used my brains and found a way to live with what I had, accept it and not hurt my kids in the process.  We both grew and found each other again.  IT was a growth process.  You need to quit dwelling on the "what could have been" and focus on what will be.  Make the life you have happy and do what you need to do that.  Good Luck to you.    

  16. In denial of ???

  17. What are we in denial of? Do you assume that all married couples are unhappy with their relationship? Or do you assume that all married couples cheat on each other? What ever your problem is please don't assume we all live in denial. My wife and I have been together for 13 years, have three children and still manage to say we love each other several times a day. Grow up.

  18. Hmmm....So, if one is single all the time, do they automatically ask questions with no clarification?  Which is worse?  I think I need to be getting married soon.....I think I would rather be in denial...

  19. I do not live in Egypt, and I do not live even close to De Nile river.  

  20. We all live in a constant state of denial about something, married or not....

  21. Sorry my hubby to be and I don't live in The Nile, we live by the Mississippi

  22. huh? denial for  what?

    theres no denial in my marriage. My hubby and I talk about EVEYTHING all the time. were always communicating and letting each other know how the other feels so nothing to deny or hide or any of that c**p....

  23. sick and tired of what and denial? you sound bitter!

  24. What denial is that?  Can't answer a half asked question.  

  25. YES THEY DO!!!

  26. What kind of denial are you saying they live in all the time??

  27. Denial of what??

  28. Who say's they're living in denial?

  29. Yeah, living in de Nile means y'get all wet and wrinkly...

  30. I don't get it.

  31. What the h**l are you talking about.  Just because your experience was a bad one that does not mean the rest of our marriages suck.

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