
Don't murderers feel any mercy toward their victims while they are ending their lives?

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My question is addressed to law experts who deal with those murderers. I know that criminals don't care about ethics and morals, but from your experience with them, what about mercy and compassion? their feeling why they ending Innocent human life?

Do most of them have personality disorder?




  1. well the reasons murderers murder is because they are psychopathic and usually get turned on by taking someones life. that's why they are what they are...

  2. In most cases, only the first time or two but after that they get numb to those feelings or at least it's been my personal experience.

  3. Look at the brutal way they ended their victims lives and (in the cases of kidnap, rape, torture first) -- what they put them through during the period before death.  Were their actions merciful?

    If no....then the answer is no.

  4. I worked at Boys Training School with delinquents for 4 years. During that time I knew about 4 boys who had committed murder. One fellow was really small; he raped and strangled two little girls while he was high on glue. Chances are, he had been abused as a child himself, he was just passing on what had happened to him. The murderers were among the nicest, most well-behaved people there.

    The ones that I was afraid of were your usual run-of -the -mill petty theft and burglary mugs who would say things like, "If they ain't knockin heads for it, why shouldn't I?"

    If you have someone who is totally out of touch with his feelings, and sometimes out of touch with reality, you can't expect him to have empathy for his victims.

    Many of the characteristics that make these fellows criminals make other people into successful businessmen and political leaders.

    What kind of mercy and compassion would you expect to hear from d**k  Cheney?

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