
Don't really understand this logic?

by  |  earlier

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Referring to this sort of question, the guy is stating that women will never be equal because in a relationship the man runs around playing for stuff, asking etc. It's a typical example of someone just trying to put on the net' Yay men are better than girls!' to inflate their ego but really don't get their logic.

If the man is the one running around after the woman, paying for everything and doing all the asking for her isn't HE being the doormat as in doing all of the work and treating her like the Princess? :-/

Don't really see how this kind of guy that believes women are infieroir seem to think that by him running around etc he is being the superior one?




  1. Would you call a wolf hunting his prey a doormat? I didn't think so! humans just do it a bit different.

  2. I see the logic, it is more of an issue whether or not you agree with it

    The logic runs something to the effect of:

    If a man is expected to buy a woman's love in the dating process, how can he consider her as an equal (IE men don't consider video games, movie tickets, new cars etc as equals either)

    I would agrue that the premise that woman need to be bought in the dating process is flawed

  3. I do get his point, my issue with it is it's not true...

    Part of equal treatment in society would be not expecting special treatment like being paid for on dates. Which is true. He's implying women don't do this and are taking advantage. Which is not true. Going dutch or taking in turns to pay is hardly unusual behavoir, at least over here. Most girls I know are prepared to meet guys halfway. It's odd how some people often point out social inequalities like this but ignore social inequalities like girls being called "s***s" when guys don't... you might almost think they are cherry picking examples...

    Johno: what kind of wolf buys it's prey dinner and gifts?

  4. I agree wholeheartedly. Men are certainly not superior to women, and I think we men act rather stupid when pursuing the affections of the opposite s*x.  And we are often unwittingly doormats, but much to our own doing.  It is only when men mature, and they no longer allow themselves to be ruled by testosterone, will they finally realize what fools we make of ourselves in the name of s*x and romance.

    No do not get me wrong.  It is not always a one-way street.  Women do their share of pursuing men, and get used as well.  It is just that the common dogma espoused by women is that they are only asking for and expecting what they deserve, while we should expect nothing in return.

  5. He complains about his situation, yet makes no effort to change it. This is what separates the fighters from the victims.

  6. Either that or stay unattached and treat em' like dirt like that Braun dude suggested. Both work fairly successfully. The man you are referring to is treating her in the way he would treat a baby or a new car or a pet. - He is nurturing a lesser being or thing; as he feels the women is dependent and is impotent to maintain on it's own.

    He doesn't consider the idea of being 'used' by the woman as he sees her inept and incapable of such an ability consciously. Don't you see -he doesn't feel she's smart enough to use him- just like a pet rabbit wouldn't be accused of concocting a grand scheme against it's owner.

  7. You're looking for logic and coherent thought out of the misogynists? You'd be more successful looking for the Loch Ness Monster. More entertained, too. Try the haggis.

  8. Its all a matter of your perspective...

    You see the woman in this case, being wined and dined, as being the stronger of the two because she is on the receiving end of all the effort.  The original question was pointing out the inequity of responsibility, effort and initiative taken in the relationship.  And clearly - you can see the difference there...

    I agree - to have a man do all the work is inequitable...and makes it very difficult for women to ask for equality in other areas when they are willing to sit back and let the man do all the work in the courtship!

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