
Don't see why so many are mad about the price of gas, it's still lower the taxed Europeans and besides it

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doesn't take my chauffeur any longer to pump it.




  1. It's being used as a political tool. It's just a way to manipulate people. It works well b/c nearly everyone buys gas, but at the same time are bad at critical reasoning. They trust other people with vested interests to draw conclusions for them.

  2. Ya got  the same problem here.

    Nice one...

    That is what all the politicians and big oil guys are saying right now. What about us little people.

    But what is the difference when you have trillion dollar profits and you don't have to  pull the money out of your own pocket every day???????????????????????????????

  3. UR Crakin' me up!!

    My Chauffeur is French and I think he has eye for yours. [chuckle-shnort! Can you say "Sodom & Ga-Mobile?]

    Seriously, though, as much driving as you've had to to lately, I'd be hotter than a manifold, too. I'll have my own copy of Blume's book in a few days (in English...not European [HAR!]) and will be happy to share it with you.

    Tell all the good Southern folks Uncle soMEbody said "Howdy"!!



  4. nice try dude,not going to fly.................

  5. any sudden and dramatic spike in cost is going to cause systemic problems, Europeans pay more because of there tax system and it is a tax system, not throwing money into a hole.

  6. lmao

  7. WOH NELLIE!  Hey RJ are you on drugs?

    This gas thing is a giant F U from the oil speculators!  They "bought" our politicians to rewrite the laws.  

    Before gas went crazy.  The oil speculators had to put their name on the oil futures they bought, and they bought them 3 months ahead.  If they wanted to sell them they had to go before the SEC and state why, to whom, and for how much.  Then the SEC said yeah or nay.

    Now no name is on the futures and they are sold over and over and over again before the oil reaches the refinery.  There  is NO SEC control anymore.

    This is FTC{ F the Consumer} from the oil speculators.

    FTC with the government it's F the Citizen, with small business it's F the Customer!

    Most want to blame the oil companies.  The blame really lies right at the feet of the Democrats and Republicans, "THEY" rewrote the laws and took the money for doing so.  

    So we are double whammied by the politicians and the oil speculators.  But!, The price of gas wouldn't be high like it is just because the speculators wanted it that way if the Democrats and Republicans has just said; " We can't and will not take your dirty money deal to FTC!"

    The Democrats and Republicans F'd us, they knew they were F'ing us, and they took the money to do it! Now it's time to F them back and HARD!  No one should EVER vote for ANY Democrat or Republican EVER AGAIN!

    If you do!  You're voting to get F'd some more!  My *** sore enough now and I'm sick and tired of getting F'd by the Democrats and Republicans!

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