
Don't tenants have privacy rights anymore?

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Ok heres the scoop. We entered into a lease agreement and recently found out that our landlord has been using our electricity to run his shop on the property. It was never stated in the agreement that it would be this way. They landlord did say that her son used the shop still but she didn't mention they would be there at all hours of the day and night. My boyfriend had his four wheeler stolen since the guy has been coming around and we have yet to find it.(we filed a report). Aren't there rights for tenants to have privacy? I mean they have a million cars in our driveway all the time and I cant even let my kids play in our own yard for fear someone will take them. It's literally 3:10 am and they are parked out there messing around. Is there something I can do?




  1. I am having  a hard time following you.   Maybe it is my insomnia.

    If they are not entering your house how is this a violation of your privacy?

    What does the 4 wheeler have to do with anything?

    How does this translate to kidnapping?

    You can call the police for noise violations at 3 am, but other then that there is nothing, they are not doing anything wrong.....except maybe the kidnapping thing.

    There must be something important you are leaving out.

  2. yes you have rights! If you are renting the place then they are trespassing! I am not sure what state you are in but if you type in tenants rights and your state on yahoo then look in some of the sites you will find your rights! You can also call your marshall's office they too can help you! I would call the law and ask that they be removed at wierd hours!

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