
Don't think I have patience for an EEG and MRI, please help?

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Ok, So i have bipolar disorder type 1 and I am suffering a very dysphoric manic episode right now. I am filled with rage, anger and guilt. I am very energetic and jumpy. I start going crazy when I am normal and have to sit around or wait around for something, thats because of my anxiety disorder. When I am dysphoric, i can't wait for anything, i start getting irritated and starting panicking.

Now I have an MRI at 12 tomorrow and then an EEG at 5. I heard that MRI and EEG are about 45 minutes to 90+ minutes long.

I am afraid I am going to go crazy sitting there waiting for the entire thing to finish. Especially the MRI which I heard you have to go in those machines. I remember I went kinda crazy for a CAT scan once that last 10 minutes. I might have a panic attack, but if not that, I know i will still be very irritated and rage filled, its just how my dyphoric mania is.

The reason I am getting this test done is to check for any seizure disorder, but what my parents don't understand is that i have to go to the psychiatrist and get some medicine for my d**n bipolar. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder 4 years ago, and since my last doc visit 2 years ago, I haven't had insurance and my parents aint doing nothing about it. BTW I am 19.

Not even my d**n neurologist cares about me being bipolar.....




  1. The eeg might not be as hard as the mri.  I had an eeg while I was sleeping. The MRI is hard because it is in a confined space as you said you know.  How about calling your doctor and asking for some Xanax or Valium to calm yourself before going into the MRI.

    I am sorry you have bipolar disorder.  I have it also.

  2. MRI's are quite noisy (at least mine was) and I'm pretty sure that they'll put ear defenders on you.

    The only think I would recommend that you inform the tech's that are administering the tests you are bipolar and you might flip out if they don't get it over quickly.

  3. Like adobe mentioned, ask your doctor about a benzodiazepine tranquilizer. I wouldn't go for Xanax, but Versed, which lasts about 30 minutes can be given as an injection just before either procedure and will more or less slow you down for the whole procedure. Might take a bit more than usual if you're as anxious as you sound. Versed's commonly used for unpleasant procedures, or scary ones. Like MRIs, colonoscopies, kidney dialysis and chemotherapy.

    And yeah, neurologists don't care about bipolar. It's not their job you see. If you're at a university, they have a mental health service where you can see a psychiatrist

  4. So, how did you make out?

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