
Don't u think most of the tennis players at Wimbledon treat the ball boys and girls like s**t?

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They just can't even manage a smile when they pass them balls or towels.They act so arrogant.It was nice to see the other day when that Gasquet guy who played Murray passed his towel back and smiled and said thanks.Why can't more of them be like him




  1. idk. its because they were hired to... throw balls to them. some of the pros can be really nice to the ball girls/guys

  2. Yeah, I often thought that too!!

    Cheeky ******* arent they

  3. Maybe they´re too tense and focused. Nadal and Federer seem like nice guys. I haven´t really paid much attention to the rest.

  4. i totally agree hun they should treat them better but a lot of tennis players think they are worthy stars, doesnt hurt anybody to say please or thank you x*x

  5. I agree, but thats all part of Wimbledon isnt it??

  6. its all part of the stiff upper lip society that founded it. its a tradition. the players do actually acknowledge the ballboys/girls either before or after their matches 99% of the time.

  7. Good question, I totally agree, I dont see any players smile back but remember, this is a grand slam event, these players are all under pressure to play at the highest level of tennis played, concentration is vital to winning or losing the match,

    I am sure there are players who have smiled and said thank you , and its not been televised before..

    But thats the way of life, you dont in real life go around smiling and saying thanks to everyone,, as long as they are not rude,, I dont see any problem people are free to behave in any manner, as long as they are not affecting others..

  8. I often think that way too but remember most of the players are so very focus that being polite it either done before or after.  They are trained to just do their jobs and not be distracted or distract the players.  I forgive them because it is such a tense situation to be in but I do believe some of them have this arrogant attitude especially when they just throw the towel back to them and sometimes make it fall to the floor purposely.  I seen a few of them like Rafa, Federer, Ana and Venus at times say thanks but it isn't very often.

  9. Na, not really. There in a very competitive state and sometimes can't control their emotions. In fact, most of them are very nice after the match and invite you to very cool places!

  10. yeah like one time i was the ball boy for the lobos and the opponent hit the ball in the net amd he was all GET THE BALL!!! and i got it and threw it at his feet for yelling at me i got threw off the court. lol

  11. I agree with you Dave. Don't cost anything to be curtious. Who the h**l do they think they are anyhow!........Their right up their own ar**s..............feel sorry for the kids.I know what i would do if i was doin that job, just cant put it into words on yer.  <:g

  12. Well they are all working doing their own job, the players and the ball boys and girls. If some say thanks that is good for them if not it doesn't mean they are not good people or in your term arrogant.

  13. Yes, it is a shame some of the players can't manage a 'thank you' or a smile to the boys and girls who work the court. After all, with out them there, their game would be a lot harder work.

    I guess the tennis players would say they are concentrating, or unaware of anyone or anything while they are playing. But if some players can be courteous, I don't see why others can't be.

    Those kids work really hard during Wimbledon.


  14. You do have a point, however they are hired under the circumstance of how good they are at not being seen.

    Although I'm sure a bit of kindness wouldn't go amiss.


  15. I'm sure that the majority of the players when they first started when they were kids would have smiled and said thanks to every ball boy/girl.  However, like everything else in life, the more you get used to a service the less thankful you are and the more you take it for granted.  I'm sure that for some players its got to a stage that they are in automatic mode and dont even notice the ball boy/girl anymore.  It is nice to see players being grateful but i'm afraid it isn't something thats going to change.  It's just human nature i reckon

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