
Don't u think rule brittania would be a better british national anthem?

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Don't u think rule brittania would be a better british national anthem?




  1. I think Yellow Submarine is the best national anthem ever!!!!!!!

  2. I think Barwick Green-the theme to the Archer's would be good.dum-de-dum-de-dum-de-dum, dum-de-dum-de-da-da, dum-de-dum-de-dum-de-dum,poggly-poggly-p...

  3. Jerusalem would be better.

  4. yes...but they would never agree to that....'Britianna rules the waves' is fighting talk where i come from lol

  5. I think we should have 'Always look on the bright side of life' by Monty Python as our national anthem.  I think it sums up us British so much better

  6. i think Rule Britannia is a little out dated as the lyrics speak of how we rule the waves and today Britains navy is a little inadequate. i think Land of Hope and Glory would be more suitable although as it`s used as Englands anthem at the commonwealth games i don`t think the any one other than the English would appreciate it

  7. nah, how about, you`ll never walk alone

  8. Please lets have the s*x Pistols version of the original? So much more fitting, really, now...

  9. I'd prefer 'Land of Hope and Glory.' (Pomp and Circumstance)

  10. It is rousing stuff, but hardly apt as a national anthem. "Jerusalem" would be better. The present anthem is rather colourless. Abroad, I reckon that the "Marseillaise" is the best of all.

  11. There's nothing wrong with 'God Save the Queen'. If its not broken then why change it?

    besides, does Britannia really rule the waves these days? And is Britons being slaves any more relevant than wishing the Queen good health?

  12. No. For a start, Brittannia doesn't rule the waves any more.

  13. "Brittania Rules the waves" makes about as much sense as "god save the queen".

  14. No i prefer 'God Save The Queen' because its hillarious watching all those footie fans on tv singing it in all their pride and glory! lol =)

  15. The present anthem is a dirge with words that are seriously out of step with the way life is in the 21 st Century (no offence intended Your Maj).  Rule Brittania has a great tune .... but Brittania ruling the waves in this day and age? .... not really.  Jerusalem - another great tune - who knows what the words are all about though.  Land of Hope and Glory .... what a belter.  All a bit OTT, not to mention a stretch for the vocal range.

    So we need something a bit closer to the truth and to the ordinary people .... sort of picking up the ideas of: "We might have been great once and still like to think we are.  We've got this green and pleasant land but cram 80% of the population into 8% of the space.  We've got some of the best brains in the world and we've got kids leaving school unable to read.  We are a mongrel nation but half us still hate foreigners."

    Of course I am being facetious.  I am proud to be British though not necessarily proud of the state of British society.  Until we give pick ourselves up from the present wave of ignorance, corruption and bigotry, Yellow Submarine seems as good an anthem as any.

  16. I have always thought so, At least it refers to the country and not just one old lady.

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