
Don't vote for Hillary today in California!?

by  |  earlier

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Why should i vote for her all she do is promise she is going to get health coverage for everyone when that isn't true. I spoke to some people who are big in the insurance business and said to me no way Obama or Hillary are going to get insurance for everyone. Today im voting for a new Change Obama I need a "Leader" someone with a different color skin to show me what your race can do for the white folks and the rest of the races in this world. Hillary isn't going to care for no one she is just another white girl not capable of doing nothing.




  1. I had no intentions of voting for either one of them! Especially Clinton...evil woman.

  2. whatever you say.

  3. Hillary for  president .

    Hillary has experience, she knows where she is standing.

    She is strong enought to be a leader.

    If isn't Hillary then Obama will had been my first choice.

    ahh also Why should I vote for Obama if he promise he is going to make a change for everyone when that isn't true?

  4. i thought i was free to vote for who i wanted, but still support your opinion because she should think about what she says you cant promise something you can't do, well you can but it's not the right thing to do because people vote for who people trust and if she lies people won't like that and that becomes trouble for her and people

  5. Gosh, what a logical, impassioned, plea.

  6. do realize this isnt a public form to expess your opion without asking a question right?

  7. Hillary clinton is no good.

  8. you go boy!! Obama 08!!!! its time for CHANGE!

  9. uh ok?

  10. Had no intentions of voting Hillary - Obama Baby!

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