
Don't want any names, but have you ever heard of anyone having to go on food stamps due to DUI, mandatory auto

by  |  earlier

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insurance, of having to pay hundreds of dollars of late traffic fines?




  1. No.  Mr. Birkholz, I have worked in a food stamp office for over 17 years as both a caseworker and a supervisor.  On each application we ask why they are applying.  In 17 years I have had not even one person mention any of these reasons.  By far the most common reasons are lost jobs or a break up from the household's primary wage earner.  I know you have some "study" you like to tout as "proof" of food stamp "skyrockets", but I have 17 years and literally thousands of personally interviewed clients as to their reasons for applying and mandatory insurance laws isn't even on the map as a reason.  Besides, most all clients ignore the law anyway and drive uninsured.  I only wish the food stamps would allow them to buy it, but that's not the reality.  I'm really sorry that years ago you were apparently humiliated by having to apply for food stamps due to having to buy insurance, but my suggestion is to drop this hopeless crusade and find another more productive focus for your life while you still have some time left.

  2. i have heard of similar things happening to people before,one guy lost his job over it and a few more lost their homes because of  jail time and so many fines to pay,its a bad situation when you see this happen,and it almost makes you want to help them,sometimes you cant though,that's what you call being down on your luck,good luck.

  3. No, I have never heard of that and I hope  food stamps will not be given to anyone because they chose to drink and drive.  I'll bet they didn't use food stamps to buy their liqueur

  4. No, but then I really could care less what happens to them.  I have lost friends and clients to drunken fools who always seem to kill others and walk away physically unharmed.

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