
Don't want to be rude

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How can i discourage my neighbor from coming over every morning to play with my kids.

I am a stay at home mom with 3 small kids. my neighbor is as well but she always comes over in the morning and plays with my kids. I wouldn't mind so much but she never invites me over her house and she never thinks i have plans prior to her visit. am i just being a grouch or how can i set some groundrules without being rude.




  1. what if you put a sign on the door...a happy face means we can play and a sad face means we are not available to can let the kids know what the faces mean and what to do when they see each of the faces on the door...maybe that will deter them from coming to play when your not ready (or in the mood) for them without any hurt feelings

  2. Simply say, We really love your visit's however you are throwing off our routine and we would appreciate if we could set up times that it's okay for you to visit. We have so much to do in the moring the afternoon would be better. Or, get up tomorrow, get the kids ready and as she comes over, walk out the door and say geez I'm sorry, we have to be _____(fill in the blank) if you had called first i could have saved you the trip over. Perhaps call me later so we can find a time to  play, or maybe when we get back the kids and I (or jsut the kids) will be over, we'll give ou a call. Hope these ideas help.
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