
Don't want to stay...Yet don't know if i'm strong enough to leave for good! HELP!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have been with this boy now for two years! I have no kids and well he does have kids.. 3 kids! (let's not forget them kids have a mother) a drama queen and yes he cheated on me with her! I'm 21 and he is 26years old! I first found out he was cheating 4month into our relationship! We broke up and i forgave him.. Only later to find out he cheated on me again 2 to 3 month after that! Not with his baby mother but with a brand new girl.. He moved in with this girl. I like a dumbie forgave him again! We continued to date for a year and 3months after the second incident.. I haven't caught him cheated since (that i know of) but we just keep having our ups and downs..Since he have kids with this girl they have to communicate but there is just no trust anymore. I find myself getting mad even when her name is mentioned cause i think of the cheating! He says he don't communicate with her at all he'll have people pick up his kids and drop them off but i was told otherwise! Friends of mines have seen him going to her house! They don't know if something going on between them or not but why lie to me? He even has to go out of town with girl for the kids appt and stay at a hotel sometimes! I know..I know.. how do i break up and leave it as is? Please help! Only serious responses only!




  1. Just end it. You can either let him know why you are ending it or you can just end it as it is, You dont owe him any explaination. he's the one who's cheated on you mulitple of times. he is supposed to be breaking his back to prove himself to you so his trust can be renew. Not the other way around

    This is a messy and unnecessary drama. what exactly are you getting out of this relationship for you to be dealing with such mess? You are better than that and you deserve better. He's obviously too busy messing around to see what he has in front of him. If he cant appreciate you, someone else will.

    just end the relationship. call him today and tell him its over. that your patience has worn thin and you are emotionally and mentally done. And if there is no trust, there is no relationship. Thats it. Dont go into a big spew of feelings and stuff because you cant make him change. Change has to come from him.

    Good luck.

  2. This is the thing, You know that feeling you get when you find out that d**n he did it again, he lied cheated, basically played with some girl. The thing is you have to be to the point where that feels worse than the good times feel good if you know what I mean. For whatever resaon he hasnt made you feel quite bad enough to just go, but that feeling is coming. Because he has no reason to change. He has you, he has the other chcks and he has his kids. Why would he chnage if he can have all that.

    The only way he is justified in staying is if he can explain in a real way why things would be different. And I mean in a real way not from ' girl I really mean it this time, sob, sob;'

    If nothing has happen to make it change then even if he wants to he wont stop.  

  3. get the h**l away from that guy

    stay busy

    delete his #

    do not take his calls or read his texts

    if you could see what he is going to do to your life you would run & never look back

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