
Don't we have oil here?

by Guest62588  |  earlier

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if so... where at?

and what's the problem with drilling it???




  1. they ship the oil to china and south america

  2. I don't think we have oil here. We might have some in Alaska but i'm not sure if we are drilling it. I'm pretty sure we aren't though because it would mess up a National Park or something like that. In my opinon we should be trying to find more alternative fuel sources, instead of relying on a source that's running out fast.

  3. Yeah there is Oil in Alaska- The enviromentalist wont let any one use ait and all over america.. the issue is more that it is cheaper to produce and export oil from the middle east than from here. THe oil industry is  abusiness and just like most corporations Profit is their main objective.

  4. It's not enough to go round; cos US taste for oil surpasses anything else.

  5. Oil is all over the US. A majority of our oil comes from the US and not the Middle East. There is a huge oil reserve in Alaska that we can't tap into because environmentalists won't let us. They think it will destroy the land.

  6. Yes we do. Its mostly in Alaska. The only reason they don't drill here is because supposedly it will ruin the environment, not like we haven't already ruined

  7. Yes, the US does have PLENTY of its own oil still. I provided some links of some info on the subject instead of just stating opinions like some people here are doing. What the US does not have is Easy oil. That which is easy to get to and easy to refine. For example in the middle east that oil simply has to be pumped wherever it is in the dessert and refined for fuel. Fact is even the middle east is going to run low on this type soon, so alternative and Hard oil will start to become more used over the coming years. Hard oil is like oil located in deep water, oil shale (rock that contains oil and can be heated to extract the oil), tar sands and coal liquification (coal can be turned into oil. The Germans did it in WWII, and we have plenty of coal.) The MAJOR problem for the US is that the environmentalist lobbies are so strong that they basically block anything that has to do with “Evil” oil. They prefer us to let other countries do the polluting to get energy and just transfer our wealth to them for it. Apparently pollution stays in one area. They also see it better to send our military to guard the middle east oil which costs trillions of $ and thousands of lives. But they don’t care, as long as they can say they’re “Green”. But I digress, I posted an article that details much about the oil we have here in the US and why it isn’t used. They explain it better than I could so ill save you the time by just posting it. But the US has about 800 billion barrels worth of oil in the form of oil shale (which is economically do able with oil above $30/barrel). And people will say oil shale doesn’t work or blah blah blah, but look at Canada which is our #1 supplier of oil, and much of that is from tar sands which is similar to oil shale yet even more environmentally damaging to extract. Yet our politicians are still too stupid to do anything, both dems and repubs that is. For more info feel free to email me. Hope this and the article and links provide some info and insight into a very heated topic.

    This general topic is discussed and there’s lots of good information in this article

    Amount of Oil Shale in the US

    Government Report on Oil Shale

    Some Charts on US energy Consumption & Oil

  8. It is said we have enough oil in the US that if tapped we wouldn't have to import any for at least 10 years.  The oil is located mostly in Alaska and off the coasts (Gulf, Pacific, and Atlantic).  There is even some under Lake Michigan.  There are two issues that prevent us from using this oil.  First, environmentalists are preventing the drilling.  Some of it is in nature preserves in Alaska and ANWR.  Some is that they are afraid of effects on fish in the oceans.  Second, people who live along the coasts don't want oil rigs in their view.  They are afraid that it will cause property values to decrease.  These people would rather have the problem be in someone elses back yard.  Third, state and federal governments tax oil companies for every barrel that is taken from the ground in that state or off federal lands.  This actually makes it cheaper for oil companies to buy the oil overseas and ship it here than drill for oil here.

  9. Yes. There are two problems.  First--the oil companies couldn't sell the oil if we did let them drill of the Gulf Coast or in ANWR.  Why?  Because they have refused to build any refineries for over 15 years--and they can't refine the oil to sell any faster.

    That is not an accident--they have ignored every effort to get them to increase refinery capacity. The reason is obvious--their production costs haven't gone up much. The price they charge has tripled.  Do the math--andthen you'll know why Bush puts the oil company profits ahead of the national security or the welfare of the American people.

    The second point is that we actually don't need the oil. I twould be a waste of money and resoruces to drill for it.  Oil is essentially obsolete. Modern technology (remember,oil is basically a 19th century industry) is far cleaner and cheaper--once we break the monopoly that Bush and his confederates have given them so other technologies can enter the market.

    So why should we waste money dirilling? Just to keep an obsolete technology going a few more years--when we could be creating new jobs and industries by investing those resources in up-to-date technology?

  10. Yes, we do, all over.

    The problem is, drilling would be horrible for the land there.

    And also, even if we did find more, it won't be enough to quench our thirst for oil.

  11. We have 10,000,000 barrels each in the ANWR in Alaska and off the continental shelf but the environmental weenies prevented the govt from drilling so the could protect the Polar bear and the fishys.  There is also billions of barrels of shale oil in Colorado mountiains, but Pres. Clinton signed a bill preventing us from mining it.  It's all Liberal B.S.

  12. Lots of oil wells have been pumped dry, but lots have not yet run out. However, the remaining wells are not enough to supply the demand, so the US now imports most of the oil it uses. The remaining oil that has no well tapping it yet is in expensive to reach places. Either in very deep pools that take very expensive deep wells to reach, or off shore, or in protected land where any kind of development is not allowed, or it is not pump-able liquid oil, like tar sand or shale oil. In short, he have used up all the easy to get oil and are using up the remainder even faster. It is not a question of IF it will run out, only WHEN it will run out. It is not a renewable resource. The world had a certain limited amount 500 years ago, and we started using it up about 100 years ago, and when we have used it all, then we are just out. The end. If we can't find alternatives before it runs out, we will have to go back to a pre-industrial life style. But long before it is all gone it will get really expensive as the past few billion barrels are teased out of the last few wells in the world. That has started now. People complain it is all fake and manipulated by oil companies, but they are in denial. It is VERY simple. The world demand is exceeding the supply. There may be short term, local price gouging, but eventually some other company will try to steal the buisness of the other by undercutting them, or some government will just sieze the assets or whatever. But in the end, NOTHING can stop the price rise, except just not using the stuff any more.

  13. The democrates will not let us drill.  They will not allow nuclear power which would save tons of oil.

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