
Don't you Hate It When?

by  |  earlier

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Don't you hate it when you give good advice and people still manage to give you a thumb down! I get so sick and tired of people giving me a thumbs down after I tell them that you can not put a betta or a goldfish in a bowl and that Goldfish need big tanks and a betta needs at least 2.5 gallons. Like sorry I know it wasn't what you wanted to hear's the truth...LOOK IT UP and do some d**n research.




  1. i know i hate it 2. i mean you waste your valuable time giving someone great and then after they use it they just stab you in the back and say that it was bad advice! it sucks!

  2. I know where you are coming from.  Look at any one of my answers.  I get more thumbs down than the entire collection of gladiators in roman times.  Don't let it get to you.  If the asker judges your answer by thumbs up or down, they don't deserve your advice.

    Really, don't let it worry you.

  3. I totally agree with you!  I gave such good advice on fish, not sure what question, and there were also other REALLY good answers and it seems like there is just one person going around and giving thumbs down to all the GOOD advice and thumbs up to all the BAD and WRONG advice!!!  These people seem like they want the asker to do  the wrong thing!!!  Like one of my answers was to someone breeding mollies, and one person said like the male takes care of the eggs, so I corrected her and told people that that was wrong, they are live bearers, and I got a thumbs down!!!!  Gosh!!  Some people!!

  4. i agree wit you

    wut a creep )=

  5. yeah...

  6. you are right anyways betta's are very aggressive so they need to be in their own bowl

  7. Yes, I totally understand. I am a fish owner and have had many fish, and so has my family. I know what I'm doing, and some people don't but manage to think they do and give me a thumbs down.

  8. right i own a 55 gallon planted semi agressive tank and people ask questions and i answer them by looking up the answer and comparing it to my own experience. Like when i tell people that they cant mix a certain fish with another fish i get a load of thumbs down!!!!




  9. i totally understand what your talking about. i have friends with fish as well and it drives me crazy when they tell me about their fish and their problems and when i tell them why they give me a dumb look as if they have no clue what im talking about.  i have done my research and it just drives me crazy what people do.

  10. yes  hate that it like they dont care they just want them to have them not to love them right

  11. This is why this forum in particular is not really one of your top rated forums in terms of professional help.  The first flaw of this whole thing is a point and rating system in itself.  Go to more professional type forums,, Everything Aquatic, and and you don't have any opportunity to thumb up or down or gain any points for posting.  That in itself is what causes part of the problem.

    Secondly, you have a large number of people that believe and follow outdated and anecdotal advice, and then in turn pass it on.  The fault here is not actually knowing what someone is talking about, and since YA cares very little about quality and accuracy of information posted, hence, you have ego's among trolls that want to down correct information, or information that doesn't match with their outdated modes of thinking.

    To expand even more on that issue in itself, some people take advice, such as this whole inches per gallon malarky and just start spitting that out as soon as any question about what you can put in a tank comes up.  This represents a total lack of thinking and laziness.  If you say this or that stock will work or you can put this or that in a tank, you, (not you personally, just anyone in general) should be able to explain WHY your answer works beyond just adding up inches which any child could do.

    Finally, you also have to lay part of the blame on carnivals and pet stores which employ bowls selling those Goldfish and Betta's.  If you see them out in public, outside of the internet, being sold that way, it's very difficult to use this forum as a stand point to say it's wrong.  Too many people have stopped using that brain God gave them to realize just because people make money off doing something, doesn't mean it's the best or right thing to do.

    As for the thumbs down, part of that is also related to popularity.  Yup that is true of this place.  Some of it is influenced by that misleading icon thingy (Top Contributer) badge/icon YA gives us for answering a certain amount of questions and getting a certain amount of BA's.  This flaw is only exploited more by unethical users in this fish section, using multiple accounts to skew voting.  I've always felt part of that whole thumbs up and down issue could be addressed by removing voting all togeather and forcing someone to pick a BA.

    All in all, just keep putting out your information.  That's all you can do.  I keep and breed African cichlids, and specialize in Arowana care, yet because I am more or less just direct to the point and don't bs or  sugar up my input, I get targeted too.  It doesn't make my input any less right lol.

  12. if there were no thumb up or thumb down options on this site it would cause a lot less angst, and if the point system was abolished all the "points collectors" and double (or triple) accounts would evaporate too, leaving such questions open to more educated answers.

    unfortunately though, you can't cure stupid. I do get a bit frustrated when askers chose "best answer" that was just what they wanted to hear, and will probably leave them with a tank of dead fish, rather than the gritty truth.  

  13. same here

    some one asked how many gallons do i need for 6 common goldfish and i answered 100 minimum

    i got all the thumbs downs and the people who said 10 gallons got thumbs up

    its just not fair

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