
Don't you agree that America only uses force when attacked first by other countries?

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I have checked all the history books and real history.




  1. this is in reply to the first person who answered this question.

    If you think that bin laden actually attacked the US then you are brain dead. I suggest you what two movies in this order. 1. loose change...  2. zeitgeist... You can find the second one by googling the name. I RECOMMEND THAT EVERYONE WATCH THESE FILMS. You will find the REAL reason for 9/11.  

  2. No, case in point: Osama Bin Laden attacked us in 2001. He was from Afghanistan. Bush, in return, started a war with Iraq (a totally different country).

  3. Sadly, no.

    The US was never attacked by the Philippines.  But from 1900-1904 the US invaded and waged a bloody war of conquest, turning the country into a colony for the next 45 years.

    Vietnam never attacked the US--the "Gulf of Tonkin Incident was a fraud

    Iraq nevr attacked the United States. al-Caida did--and Iraq and Saddam, monster though he was--had nothing to do with it.

    I love my country--and I wish America were perfect. But nothing human is perfect. And I do not pretend or lie and say it did not do something wrong when it did.  That--admitting that something is wrong--is the essential first step to making it right.  No patriot ever hesitates to admint when America is wrong--that's what patriots do because that's the first step to fixing what is wrong.

    People who try to pretend America never did something like attack another country without just cause are not patriots.  They would ignore the wrong and let it go without making any effrt to put things right.

  4. Actually, Osama attacked the U.S and the U.S began a war on terrorism.  We went into Iraq on the idea that they were hiding weapons of mass destruction, Sadam was a terrorist to his own people. (The U.S. has a history of invading nations with communist governments or totalitarian regimes, Vietnam, Korea, Germany,)  We are now fighting rebels in Iraq and close to handing over the reigns to its own government.  

  5. No, I do not.  I believe there are a lot of covert activities we will never hear of.

  6. hahahahahahahaha.

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