
Don't you agree that Hillary has been a champion for women?

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She has fought for women's issues in America and around the world for so many years. At the UN conference in 1995, her historic statement that "women's rights are human rights" is still echoing around the world.




  1. I'm not sure you can say that she is a champion for women! Her ideology does not always protect the rights of all women!

  2. Much of what she says does echoes, she's like an empty can bang on it and it's impressive but it's still empty.

  3. Supposedly so is Oprah but I don't care for her either. Hillary is the first woman to run for president but that doesn't make her the best woman for the job.

  4. I think that Hilary is an example of what women can do if they so choose--in her case, run for president.

    I think that she can be a positive example wether or not see overtly is a champion for women.

  5. No

  6. yes i do

  7. She has been a champion for TALKING about women's issues.  I'm not sure what else she's done.

  8. No, I don't agree. Putting your career on hold to promote your husband and then standing by while he had numerous affairs don't seem particularly "empowering" things to me...

  9. I would not go comparing her to Susan B Anthony or Alice Paul.

  10. No. She gives lip service to women's rights, but she doesn't practice it in life. The Clintons are the first family of lip service.

  11. Yes, she is a great woman. However, before we can start working on woman's rights we have to make the entire world first world. Then we have to focus on people treating ech other better.

  12. Sorry but I disagree.  First of all there has been no echo.

    She may want you to believe she is one.  But talk is cheap!

    Actions speak louder than words.  Too many thing went wrong with the Clintons when they were in office.  Yes I said they!  She had just about as much say as Bill.  She is still promoting socialize medicine for this country.  We don't need that.....It would take you at least 6 months to see a dentist, and at least 1 year or more to see your regular doctor when you needed one.  My girl friend is from Germany and they have socialize medicine.   Her mother had a heart attack and had to wait to be seen by a doctor for 2-1/2 months, and that was for an emergency.   She needed a by-pass and had to be put on the waiting list and waited for 14 months.  Is that what everyone wants???? Not me. And that is just the tip of what socialize medicine is about....You have no idea!

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