
Don't you feel like you're doing everything right but CANNOT GET PREGNANT?!?

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Why is it SOOO tough. So many people get pregnant...NO PROBLEM. But when we chart and take OPK and do EVERYTHING right it doesn' work. People say you're trying too hard. So one day we stopped doing all that...and STILL couldn't get pregnant. My doctor told me that charting and opk are a good thing. Why is it so hard?




  1. I know exactly how you feel.  We have been TTC for 9 years now and are getting ready to start IVF this month.  I am a Probation Officer and so many times I have these women in my office and they are pregnant and doing drugs, being abused, smoking, drinking, etc. and they have no problems getting pregnant over and over and they can't take care of any of their children.  I get so bitter sometimes.  Sometimes I am convinced that crack is the fertility drug of the future:) Seriously though, when you consider all of the things that have to fall in place just perfectly to get pregnant, it amazes me how many of these women can get pregnant accidently 5 times.

  2. I know exactly how you feel. Ive been trying to conceive my second baby since Sept 06 with no success. Im currently starting my 3 cycle of Clomid this week.  Everytime I turn around, someone else I know is pregnant with no problem. It sucks to because I want a baby really bad! I chart and use OPKs and still nothing and DR tested me and Im fine.  I dont know what it is? The ones that want one really bad cant get pregnant and the ones that dont want none pop them out with no problem.  I guess we have to keep trying!

    Good luck and tons of sticky baby dust for us all!!!!!!!!

  3. Wish I knew myself...we've been trying for 2.5 yrs.  We've done the charting, we've done the temperature, we've done it on a doctors schedule and also ovulation test kits.  I'm now scheduled for an ultrasound to check the ovaries.  If that comes back negative for problems he has to go for a sperm count test.  Have you had an ultrasound or has he had a count done?  Good luck to you!

  4. I know how you feel.  I have been trying for 6 month and I am hoping it happened.  Well I was suppose to get my period July 17th still nothing took a HPT on the 19th came out negative.  I am planning to check again August second.  I'll keep you in my prayers :) I am sending baby dust your way:)

  5. I reeeeallly feel for you. We've been ttc for 10 months. It's draining. It's so easy to stress and get angry.  I am so grateful that my husband is supportive. It's so important for you and your partner to be in this together. If nothing else, it really makes you feel closer a couple.

    Don't give up. Just know that one day, you'll have a very wanted and loved baby in your arms.

  6. i've been trying for a year.  and i feel what you feel. i think v might be trying too hard.

  7. First off....Do you get your periods regularly etc..? If you do and there are no problems, make sure you BD(baby dance, have s*x) every other day or every couple of days to be sure you aren't possibly just missing the right time!

    If you've been trying for a year or more and not getting pregnant your dr needs to start doing test. He should also check your better halfs sperm to make sure everything in his area is good.

    Yes charting and using OPks are a great way to make sure you BD at the right time.

  8. I know.  It feels crazy that if you do everything right you could still end up not pregnant.... and yea... a lot of people do end up pregnant no problem.  What I always try to tell myself though is that maybe some of those pregnant people that you'll see didn't get pregnant "no problem." Maybe they were just like you, me, or anyone else on this ttc board.  It makes me happier to be happier for them even though I want a baby with my husband sooooo much!!! I feel like it's good karma :o) Good Luck!! Baby Dust!!

  9. you could always adopt, excepsilly when there really young so its like your own, but then again its not.

  10. YES... in  the same boat... got pregnant on the first try last year, but lost my twins at 6 months pregnant to preterm labor.  Now we're trying again and it just isn't happening and I am going crazy.. I am in the 2ww right now but noticing the AF signs so I know I am not AGAIN.  I don't get it either.  It is SO depressing... Baby Dust to you!! Dont' give up.. I'm not. I want a baby with my husband SO bad.  GOOD LUCK!!

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