
Don't you feel that Lizzybits is absolutely right in her dispute with Turdo, Marla and numerous others?

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I would like to take the opportunity to offer my support to Lizzybits and not just because I like to stir things up even if I did hear her saying that Turdo smells




  1. I'll be darn..... now I have proof the Brits started WW2.

    But you wanna know what really happened?


  2. how come we all just can't get along?

  3. h**l hath no fury like a hornet's nest poked with a TFP.  I refuse to take sides until a clear winner emerges.

  4. What?  Turdo smells?  Odor (oh dear)

    <go ahead & groan, I know you'll feel better allowing the pressure out>

    I wonder if it is all a come on and they are all hot and heavy into each other.

  5. OMG Does Tyler Durden know about you two???

  6. I am rubber , you are glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!

  7. I love you to Penfold. Even if the raunchy smell did come from you.

  8. WTF?????

    Cant I just have dinner somewhere without Penfold starting a new trench war while using mustard gas?

  9. I find it amusing that this posted in preschool!

  10. It's not enough just to flash the general public. Now you have to go and start trouble between a t**d and a Bit. d**n.

  11. Oh My!

    I don't know whether to thank you,

    or make you clean off the fan.

    I said my final words about it today in my 'Ode to Marla'. I will say no more, I have made my peace. She stomped away as usual, bored and unaffected. I should win by default.

    What do you mean numerous others?

    The mist over the fens will not hide you, come out come out, you fluffy wuffy softy wofty.

  12. I have a question. Is that semi-nekkid Turdo the real Turdo?

    This kind?

  13. I'm not sure I believe you there, Penfold. Lizzybits is too much a lady to say something like that.

    I'd believe it of Marla, but not Lizzy.

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