
Don't you feel that any American politician that has a Anti-2nd Amendment history is a traitor of the USA?

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simple as that.




  1. You Americans now kill more people with your guns EVERY MONTH than the number of Americans killed on 9/11.

    We know why 9/11 was such a tragedy, why isn't THIS a bigger one?

    America's preoccupation with guns is insane.

  2. I feel that there is a way, that people can own fire-arms. And there is a way that people can own fire arms with out them falling into the hands of criminals. It's a toutchy issue, but I feel that as long as people are responsible with them, and use them in a proper way, I feel that they the ones who are doing the right thing should be allowed to own fire arms.  

  3. Exactly what do you mean by "Anti-2nd Amendment history?"  Despite the recent Supreme Court decision about fire arms bans in cities, I don't think the Second Amendment guarantees unfettered gun ownership.  With privilege comes responsibility.

  4. indeed, that's one reason why I am for McCain all the way!!!

  5. I think it depends on where you come from. If you are from Wyoming, yes. If you are from Detroit, no. lol.

  6. Yes.  Same for every other amendment.

  7. Any one who wishes to restrict the rights of law abiding people or supports this should be charged with treason.

    That is the way it should can you make a law that restricts the Supreme Law of the Land?

    "The laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Can it be supposed that those who have the courage to violate the most sacred laws of humanity ... will respect the less important and arbitrary ones ... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants, they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." — Thomas Jefferson

    Wrongway - Lets talk about countries that have strict gun bans.

    "A litany of failures were apparent as early as the year 2000, when CBS news reported that law and order in Britain was deteriorating at a rapid rate, while the country was experiencing a crime surge much more severe than any recorded in the U.S."

    "use of handguns to commit crimes rose 40% two years following the total ban on guns."

    "In 2002, the chance of being mugged in London was approx. 6 times greater than in New York City, NY." (which as strict gun control as well).

    “In fact, the motherland was indeed racing ahead by a substantial lead, sporting a crime rate in England and Wales that at times peaked at as much as 60% above the crime stats here in the U.S., with gun crimes being especially prominent?”

    Lantz, Gary (2/2008), Backfire in Britain,

       American's 1st Freedom, Feb 2008,

       p27 and 28

    If the UK had the same population as the US, it would be quite VIRTUALLY running rivers of blood!

    But, what the heck, let's take have a look as someone else's wisdom in the matter, which I'm sure >YOU'LL< be enamored of!!!


    Post # 177 {The UK 'gun ban' or GunShow is a CHRONIC LIAR}

    Via feedup

    USA population compared to UK

    300 million USA

    60 million UK

    Comparison of overall crime increase per million. The statistical population increase is proportional to the rise in crime.

    60 Mil./300 mil x 5%+60% increase for illegal’s = approximant rate of increase of crime.

    The average per million increase of population figures at 0.75 %.

    Illegal insurgent increases at approximately 1.5% per million. Approximant 25 million.

    82.5 = 60/300 X (0.75 X 300)+(25 X 1.5)

    Gives you an 82.5% increase in crime.


    Well, there >YOU< go!


    according to the 2006 IL UCR.

    Illinois had a population of 12.8 million w/ a murder rate of 6.1/100K (780)

    Chicago had 22.2% of the population of Illinois yet accounted for 60% of murders w/ a per capita rate of 16.4/100K

    Cook County had 41.4% of the population of Illinois yet accounted for 73.6% of murders w/ a per capita rate of 10.83/100K

    The Cook County murders in raw number/per capita increased 4.4% and 4.9% respectively while arrest numbers and rates dropped over 18% from '05 to '06.

    If Chicago were to fall into Lake Michigan, the Illinois murder rate would drop to 3.14

    Were the rest of Cook County to follow suit, the rate would drop to 2.74.

    So far this year, murders are up 13%.

    And where are the strictest gun laws?

    Just because I support the 2nd Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms does not mean I support violience and gun crime...

  8. absolutly not. the 2nd amendment was made 232 years ago. times have changed and we need gun control to be a safer society. AK-47s in the hands of gangsters and the mafia shooting rival gangs and innocent bystanders is not what the founding fathers had in mind when they wanted to give every American the right to bear arms.

    they meant every american has the right to responsibly own a hand gun or rilfe for hunting or defending themselves in an emergency, not aggressive violence

    Japan has strict gun control and they have a very prosperous culture and society.  

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