
Don't you find it a little weird?

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OK, for anyone who doesn't bother to watch TNA AT ALL, here's what happened a few months ago:

Robert Roode, a Canadian wrestler, is in a feud with a Texan wrestler, Booker T. The feud starts when Roode comes out and talks smack to the debuting Booker T, but is worsened when Robert Roode punches Booker T's wife Sharmell, accidentally.

Now that feud has been concluded recently and they have both gone their separate ways. Booker T is a main-event heel, and Robert Roode is one-half of the TNA Tag-Team Champions.

Now here's what happened on SummerSlam just last night:

Chris Jericho, a Canadian wrestler, is in a feud with a Texan wrestler, Shawn Michaels. They have been at it for several months now and have engaged in some very bloody matches, but now it is worsened because Chris Jericho punches Shawn Michaels' wife Rebbecca, accidentally.

Isn't it all a little too coincidental?

BQ: Who are the members of the WWE roster whom you think should get released, but the WWE won't release anyway, and why?

If you answer includes any of the following: John Cena, Batista, Triple H or The Great Khali, you will not only get thumbs-down, you will also not get best answer.




  1. Huh.....yea I never noticed that. Good Point!

  2. The Texas/Canada may have something to do with the fact that there are a heap of wrestlers from Texas and Canada. No, I'm quite sure the wife thing has been done before. Well, here's the exact same thing happening with Jericho, Stacy Kiebler and Test in WWE, except it was a chairshot and not a punch.

    You know what's a coincidence? The glass in the eye stuff they're running with Homicide now.

    Well, Mark Henry, for one. He hasn't actually improved in the eleven years they've had him. Unless Khali put on something amazing which I missed at SS, I don't see any reason why he should stay- he can barely walk, let alone wrestle.

  3. ummm no

    2nd q.....any wrestler who can't work. although they got rid of most of them already...last weeks of my list would be Yang

  4. Yea i guess it's a little weird...


    I dont care about best answers. Im just telling the facts.

  5. Wow.  You made an amazing observation here.  I still love the HBK Jericho feud, but it is the same storyline.  It didn't occur to me.  I still believe this feud will swerve another direction though, so I won;t get too tied up in the similarity of this aspect of the feud.  I think it was played out perfectly by all 3 involved.  Did you SEE rebecca's lip???

    BQ-Mark Henry.  He is an absolute waste, and an unworthy champion.  Maria, Kelly Kelly, Lena,a dn any other diva who can't wrestle.  Snitsky will always suck.  And why is Mike Knox even around?

  6. not really..i mean the difference is sharmell was in a match,hbk and his wife were just coming out to talk

    bq..i think everybody deserves a job in wwe


    BQ: William regal, marella, big show (never wrestles) and Carlito

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