
Don't you find it funny how the republicans are blaming Obama's success on the fact that he is black?

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Just 60 years ago, it was common for people to blame lack of intelligence on the basis that a person was black or a woman.




  1. The idiot who made all those statements about Obama is very biased, and obviously feels affirmative action had something to do with it. But the funny thing is, our country is slowly outlawing affirmative action.

    EDIT: for those who scream he's not successful at anything other than the primaries, do you realize he governed Illinois, which happens to be one of the most successful, and economically stable states right now?!

  2. republicans are funny in general...

  3. i find it hilarious.

    besides, he's not even completely black.

    it seems like they'll say anything to make him look bad.

    i nearly fell out of my chair when john mccain compared obama to britney spears and paris hilton.


  4. No, Republicans are uneducated and racist.

  5. "Success" in what "other" than the primaries???????????

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