
Don't you find it funny that the Obama supporter's have so much hate for Palin?

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They do not like her aggressive attitude, because they would rather have someone blow smoke up there butts and make a bunch of empty promises. Sorry she tells you like it is and you don't like it. And for the people that said Obama treated her like a gentleman, What was he supposed to do attack her and her teenage daughter for having a baby? When he was born under the same circumstances. That would be a big ole hypocrite.




  1. No hate, just disgust.  And if you think smoke isn't being blown in your direction as well, then you are not paying attention.  It doesn't matter anyway; with all the revelations of her petty vindictiveness in office and 'mission from God' statements coming out every hour, I'll be shocked if she doesn't withdraw her candidacy before November.

  2. I think it's funny how the "tough guy" Republicans turned into a bunch of puss ies when the liberal attack dogs started coming at them. All they could do was blame the 'liberal media.' Pathetic.

  3. I don't hate her.  I don't know her.  I think that's the point.

    The whole thing has been pretty amusing, and a bit of a fiasco.  

    What I find funny is that Republicans who have propagated so much in the way of political hate and attack politics (remember Clinton), are always accusing Democrats of it, as if they're blind to their own behavior.  Go figure.

  4. No, you are wrong again. No one can hate someone without knowing him or her. I don’t think she is the right person for the job without experience and especially that she thinks we are in Iraq for the God! What a joke!

  5. Only the hysterically frightened can go to the absurd lengths the left has gone to with Palin.

    The see the light at the end of the tunnel...and it's the straight talk express.

  6. Oh, I think the republicans have hypocrisy market cornered this season.  RNC buttons that say "Coldest State/Hottest VP.  Can you IMAGINE the backlash if a Democrat said that?  

    Republicans HATE Hillary Clinton.  They don't just dislike her.  They HATE her.  But now they are using her name in their speeches.  Please, Hillary, stand up and tell them to stop using your historic campaign for their own benefit!!!  

  7. Did you forget that the female voters are staying with Obama, and not going to Mccain like he thought. So thats your answer...Women are not as dumb as Palin & Mccain, they know when they are trying to be fooled.  

  8. Its not hate, some folks like real competition so that when you win something you can say the competition was about the real nitty-gritty and not full of distractions, baggage or excuses.

    I notice your avatar is chef clad.  If you are a chef would you prefer to win a cooking contest against a Bobby Flay caliber chef or the guy who sells hot dogs on a NY street corner?

    If you beat the hot dog guy, did you really win?

    I would say it was easy since he only puts the hot dog on the bread and you prepared a gourmet dish.

    Where is the competition in that? If you beat Flay or anyone in the industry of his skill level, you know that you have put your knowledge to the test.

    Think about it...

  9. He didn't attack her for that.

    Many political bigoted people in the Democratic Party did.

    I'm a democrat. They don't speak for me, anymore than the political bigotry that is spoken by "Republican members" represents all Republicans.

    Frankly, those of us who put our country first, who don't hate half the country, have really had it with the political bigotry.

    Democrats for McCain/Palin.

  10. like i have said it before all you liberals and Democrats go shave your pitts. either you are with us or get the h**l out  

  11. Be honest. Do you really think she should be second in line for President of the United States Of America. Honestly.  

  12. I, as a Democrat, am trying not to let her personal issues affect my beliefs. Palin, I find, contradicts herself in her politics and cannot make a point to satisfaction. I mean, did you see her speech? It was pure murder, she just went around in circles bring up McCain's patriotism and how it's "Country first". Yes, country is first, but you don't have to bring it up a million times. Also, can you really say her speech was convention worthy. Be honest.

  13. I don't think it's funny. Just disgusting.

  14. I think it is pathetic why Democrats does NOT know how to attack Palin.

    From religion that justifies war to Israel Lobbist;...;...

    These 2 will hurt the Republicans more than family issues.

  15. That Palin has 5 kids, 5 kds....when will it end?

    Buy a prophylactic!

  16. It just not one sided, you people been doing it to Obama and Biden.

  17. Gee not like republicans have any hate for Obama now do they?  

  18. Hypocrisy is embedded in the Republican party. Adultery, family values, and lack of integrity are faults of them just as well as some Dem's. Let's be real! McCain should not be handed a Presidencey based on his POQ history. If that is the case, his co-POW's should be in offices right down the hall. There is no hate for Palin,only questions? She just showed up on the scene, of course people are wondering where she came from. Republican strategy was to wait to pick the canindate to appeal to areas from which McCain is weak in getting voters. Much respect to her, she can support her family and carry a Govenor posistion with help of her husband and family. But, if McCain leaves us the day after his auguration. God help us all!!! America will truly be deserving of what it gets in return.( Good or Bad)

  19. No, not at all.

    I have seen no hatred towards Palin.

    I have seen no Dems saying she should stay at home.

    I have seen no Dems attack her family either.

    These are Rovian tricks that fool the gullible.

  20. I don't hate her, she is just obviously not qualified to be the commander and chief of the United States.  McCain was irresponsible to pick her.  

  21. Couldn't agree more, there were literally 100 remarks (not questions I guess Democrats think calling Palin names count as questions on here) within the first 10 minutes of her speech.  

  22. I dont think there hate for Palin. But I guess I find it funny when at least 80% of Guiliani's speech has comments ripping Obama repeatedly. That's so original (*sarcasm*).

  23. i like obama and mccain but mccain ****** up bad its trigg is probably his son and not palins wife

  24. Of course. Now they are all on here saying how awful she is and how they hate her because of bashing Obama. Well, someone had to stand up and do it. Obviously most people haven't done their research on him and don't know the real Obama, so someone needed to tell them. Obama supporters are just upset that their oh-so-wonderful candidate isn't who he seems and that someone brought attention to it (since the liberal media ignores everything).

  25. It is all about fear, my friend.  Now they know we will give them a run for their money.

    It is also a bit of jealousy.  They have Hillary, we have Sarah. Who would you choose?!!

  26. I was just looking at all the posts that have only ignorance content whatsoever. That speaks volumes!

  27. I can't speak for Democrats but I'm a Republican and I don't like her soo


  29. Just wait till the public actually gets a chance to address Sarah Palin, without Fox News protecting her... LOL

    She has no class.

    All she did was rip apart Obama - never really telling me what she and McCain would do to better our economy, educational system, or deficit. She has no class. With all the **** thats going on with her right now, she should be one to talk....

  30. I find it more funny that Republicans are pretending they're thrilled about this neophyte.

    Peggy Noonan spoke the truth when she thought the mic was off: It's over!

  31. I don't hate her.  I just wish she'd actually mention an issue occasionally.  I know she hates Obama -- what I want to know is what she'll DO if she's elected.

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