
Don't you find it wierd that what you dream about sometimes predicts the future?

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I kept having dreams last week that my friends dog ran away. and about 3 days ago, she called me, and i told her this and she wuz like "no way my dog did run away, but he came back later that evening."

what's ur story?




  1. About a year ago I had a dream that my parents were arguing and the family found itself sitting in the kitchen. My father was screaming at my brother and my mother was sitting at the table and I was watching from afar.

    A few months later it happened. Same scenario, same arguing, same everything.

    Again last year I dreamed of a a series of numbers and letters: 2 0 2 0 1 0 D. I came up with a date: 20th day of the year 2010, of December. I wonder what will happen then.........

  2. As you can see by the two first replies to your posting, dreaming the future is not so unusual. In fact it is the NORM, yet most people do not realise this.

    Those who have actually seen clearly that dreams come true and also that déjà vus are based on a dream, are very fortunate, for they can understand from EXPERIENCE that dreams are about the future and that those who speculate otherwise are speaking in ignorance. In time you will discover that dreams are the blue print for your life and that everything is planned for you and that there is really nothing else to be done but to enjoy the 'ride'. What I am about to reveal now is the most open secret of life which many fail to discover because they are engrained in the brain wash of western scientific prejudice.

    I have made a lifelong study of the future factor of dreams and found that ALL dreams are about the FUTURE. At the beginning of our AWAKENING to this fact we can only see those dreams come true that manifest literally, those which are coming true as you have dreamt them, in short, those that manifest as a kind of DÉJÀ VUS.

    As you focus more on this phenomenon, you will see that dreams are the basis of all PSYCHIC PERCEPTION. They are the cause not only of DÉJÀ VU, but also of PREMONITIONS, of INTUITION, INSTINCT and ALL PSYCHIC PHENOMENA as well. The difference between these and the DÉJÀ VU or literal manifestation is that you have no recollection of the dream that told you what would happen or where an IDEA or INSPIRATION or PREMONITION etc. came from.

    I said ALL dreams come true, but only few in the way we see it happen in the dream. Those we miss coming true have come true in a figurative or METAPHORICAL manner.

    Example: you may dream that you are sailing on a cloud through the skies. When you wake up you won't of course fly up there, but instead you will FEEL AS IF you were up there sailing through the clouds. And if you were asked how you felt on the day of this dream, you would most likely say: "I AM ON CLOUD NINE!"

    We are so used to metaphors in our daily speech that we don't even realise that we use them constantly. We take them for granted but when the dream uses them we find it 'weird'. Just look at some oft the daily metaphors we use in waking life such as: He stabbed me in the back, he is a pain in the neck, she is caught in a vice, he is weak kneed, he shot himself in the foot, you haven't got a leg to stand on, he has fallen in love... FALLEN?? Why do we say FALLEN? Do we mean this literally or metaphorically? The latter of course and so does the dream with all of its metaphors. Or look at the term ‘she was my highschool CRUSH’! When you have fallen in love you are indeed crushed, but not under a car, but by the influx of all those sexual hormones!

    Once you learn the language of the dream you will realise that we are in the hands of a power that is much grater than our little selves. Once you have realised deeply that dreams are your PROMPTERS at the footlights of the THEATRE OF LIFE, you will learn to resign to that Power that knows all and IS all.

    Indeed, you will understand that you are not separate from that Power. You will also see that TIME IS AN ILLUSION. You will comprehend then that when we are awake we are governed by that part of the brain that slows everything down to a step by step perception of reality, and you will also see that when we are asleep and dream that another part of the brain is at work; one that allows you to see some distance into the future, one in which the barriers of time have broken down to a certain extent.

    PS 1 One more thing: Dreams are tricky. Sometimes they portray your anxieties. When they do, you dream that one mishap after another is happening. But then it may turn out that those mishaps are your fears superimposed on actions that are not disastrous at all.

    PS 2 Some dreamers believe that dreams are warnings of impending disasters to allow them to change things. But it is clear from the dream Abraham Lincoln had about his death which he told his wife and discussed with her that there is nothing we can do to evade destiny. In fact Lincoln’s dream shows that the dream can see even beyond our body’s death. This is clear from the fact that in his dream Lincoln could actually see the soldiers guarding his coffin. This is something which he could not possibly do while still in the body. This opens up a plethora of new questions about dreams capacity and the nature of the dreamer and indeed about our earthly existence!

  3. i was camping and i fell asleep around 10 on a friday. i dreamed that my favourite pet birdiee died and i woke up around 3 thinking "wow that was a bad dream" rolled over and when to sleep. on monday when i got home the first thing my mom said to me was "jill died" mom said she died on saterday. the day of the night i had the dream and woke up. this is my story. when you dream about things that happen in the future its called prophetic dreaming. sure its a funny coincidence now but when you have dreams everynight and dont know when to trust them or not it becomes a different matter... last night i dreamed my grandpa died and it was so vivid it felt real. the way i was sitting on the couch and all the details that i know are there... **shudder**

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