
Don't you find people who watch over your shoulder.....

by  |  earlier

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when you're on your computer, THE most annoying, intruding, ignorant people who deserve a good slap?!!!!!





    one time at an internet cafe, literally EVERYONE in the whole place was watching my screen since i wasn't from there [philippines] and they didn't know me. i guess they just wanted to see what kinds of things an american raised girl does on the internet. which was nothing by the way.. with all eyes on my screen.. i think not!

  2. yes i hate it when they do that!

  3. yeah i hate it..pretty annoying..

    especially when i'm reading a private mail..

  4. It's very irritating when some nosey ****** does that.  I usually find an elbow in there face sorts it though.

  5. Why not type something like:  "I know you are reading this.  Please mind your own business and go and do your own work."

  6. I close my window and star at the screen.

  7. YES! Give whoever it is a good slap from me!

  8. YES.

  9. My son does this to me, especially when i'm playing on games.And yes it is very annoying (he's 16 by the way).

  10. No the worst is someone that stands over your shoulder on the computer and every 5 minutes are like here let me do it for you, and then proceed to make a grab for the mouse. A swift elbow to the face normally does the trick.

  11. Never happened but yes, I guess it's annoying.  

  12. I find it very annoying.

    I was using a computer at the library once and this girl on the computer beside me kept looking at my screen, and I didn't even know her. After a while, I just moved to a different computer, and then got a nasty look from her :D

  13. yeh and usually they get what they deserve



  14. I minimize my window, turn around and say, Do you mind?

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