
Don't you get offended when they don't throw napkins in your bag at fast food places?

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I am so sick of this that I have to actually check the bag for napkins now, I have had this happen numerous ocassions at Subway as well as at Taco Bell. I am thinking that they are thinking that I don't wish to clean my hands after I eat.




  1. That is a good question, i also hate it when they dont give me extra fire sauce, i have to drive back and demand it, O and i realy hate it when you go to Taco Bell late at night and they dont take the grease out, it is sick it literally leaks threw the bag and rapper.But to answer your question i think it is because they forget or they are incompetent or both.  

  2. Years ago whenever I worked for a food service place ( Dunkin Donuts) the owner was VERY cheap and anal about everything. Don't give napkins if they don't ask, don't fill the whole dome of iced/frozen drinks with whipped cream, just put a little squirt, don't put heavy frosting on donuts (she actually made me scrape frosting off the paper liner on the bottom of diplay basket & put it back in the bucket because i used to much and she thought i was wasting it!) I think they are trying to control inventory costs but it goes waaaaay to far!

  3. Yes, it's annoying.  They forget the straws at McDonald's too.  I never leave the drive-thru window until I see that my order is right and I have all the Ketchup I need.  I usually ask twice for the Ketchup, because they are stingy with those little packets.  Oh, and when they DO give you the napkins, you only get two and they usually shred the first time you use them because they are very thin napkins now-a-days.

  4. I dont think that anyone means in personally..

    i think that sometimes the kids that work there just forget to give you napkins..

  5. Yes! It's rude.

    I usually end up throwing my food back though the window and say, "Hey, you morons! What?! You think I'm supposed to wipe my mouth on my sleeve! Now make my food over again, idiots!"

    Well, no, not really.

  6. YES!!  Missing straws and forks is also a pain.  This is why I don't feel bad when I actually go into these places and take a big handful of each.

  7. GET OVER IT!!!

  8. i do not get offended. but i always check my bag to make sure the order is correct. i always ask for napkins, ketchup and salt. it is nothing personal. it is a cost saving measure on the part of the resturant.  

  9. UGH! I HATE that!!!

    Wahts with Subways one sanwich-one napkin limit? I NEVER get more than two, on a good day!

    And it REALLY KILLS ME when you order the whole menu, and only get two or three napkins, or they put four napkins in ONE bag, and expect the bag owner to share THEIR napkins!!!!!!!


  10. no not really

    its not that serious

  11. omg.  I work at a fast food place, i wont say where, but we used to stuff bags with napkins.  anyways u dont know how annoying it is.  we would take a big stack of bags and would have to stuff each and evry bag.  dont u think it'd be annoyng doing this to hundreds of bags?  anyways, just recently we stopped doing it because customers ask 4 napkins anyways so we r just giving them even more.  now dont say its my job, but why cant u take less then 30 seconds to ask 4 them and get some?  even though I think its annoying, some people dont even want or need napkins.  itd be wasting more paper and be better for the earth if we only gave them to people that want or asked for them.  u dont know what people r really like until u work in fast food.  i used to be really upbeat b4 I started and am still a little bit, but u can be so nice to people and they'll still be rude.  we work a job just like u do so dont treat us more mean than ud treat the people u work with.  all i've got to say is if u worked fast food, then ud know how i feel.

  12. well i think its quite rude because we are paying with our hard eared cash and they don't even give us the hole deal.

  13. I get offended when people get mad over stupid little trivial things like napkins every chance they can.

  14. Sometimes they only give you one or two.

  15. Get over it it cost the place restaurant money for napkins.  You want to pay more for your food or you want napkins. But I do agree I hate no getting napkins either.

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