
Don't you get sick of companies who say "we are saving the planet"?

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While pimping their poison?

How can a company "save" the planet?

I understand Sustainability and that's a great thing but saving the planet is just BS! We can't even take care of eah other how in the F can these people save the planet?

When you hear people say that.....tell them you smell Horse_sh*t! Actually that smells better than the c**p these companies are pimping!

Let me hear your thoughts.




  1. Let's go ask Exxon this question

  2. Yes, it's ridiculous. I appreciate their efforts, but it's asinine to claim that you're saving the planet when you obviously do not have the capability.

    On another note, I love your Curious George picture. =)

  3. The company is now engaged in saving its ***, and not the planet. The companies is just following the recent rush for gold over the global warming hoax and the green phase that goes with it. It’s a good PR scheme, to be on the side of all the righteous souls who are saving the planet.

    They are saving the planet of the future generations, even though the Earth has been doing fine for billions of years.

    Saving the planet is pure science fiction. These people who push this c**p, take their target audience as being uneducated and stupid.

  4. mostly hypocritical companies

  5. i think it is abunch of c**p, a majorty of the time

    but i also belive that some companys are genuinely interested in saving the planet

    but it is gonna take a lot more than a few companys or orginizations to do it

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