
Don't you get the feeling that in 300 years people will look back at the theory of evolution and laugh loudly?

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Don't you get the feeling that in 300 years people will look back at the theory of evolution and laugh loudly?




  1. No, By then mankind would have thought god out of existance just as mankind thought god into existance,

  2. In 300 years, people will have no mouths, just slits where they used to be.  And giant craniums.

  3. I've found it amusing for years....

  4. Throughout history there have been many scientific theories with much more evidence than evolution that have been proved wrong.

    But also throughout history, if you didn't buy into the current thinking, you were labeled "unintelligent", "narrow-minded", or other such names.  Yet, those unintelligent and narrow-minded people were shown to be correct in being skeptical.

    They say that Christians are intolerant, but those that believe in evolution will not even listen to arguments against it.  It makes you wonder who the intolerant ones really are.

  5. The theory of evolution has already been proven, just as the theory of gravity has been proven. The theory of evolution is the theory that species change over generations into subspecies and entirely new species. We know for a fact that this happens.

    But, like gravity, what is up for debate is HOW evolution occurs. Some argue that it occurs at the 'gene' level. Others argue that it occurs at a 'kin' level.

    In 300 years, we will probably have a very great level of understanding about how evolution works, just as Einstein revolutionised how we think about gravity after Newton's initial theory.

  6. No. I get the feeling, though, that will feel that regarding christianity, Islam judaism, hinduism, scientology, self-professed psychics, ghosts and Paris Hilton.

  7. No, I think they'll look back and say "Why did they think that there were only two choices?"  Couldn't they see that the answer is a concept different from either standard-issue Evolution or Creationism?"

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