
Don't you guys miss all those rock & rock/alternative stations that popped up in the early to mid 2000's?

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I know Clear Channel had a lot to do with those good stations disappearing, but sucks now. It's 99.9% pop and "R&B" (note the quotes, half that c**p isn't real R&B).

I live in Connecticut and we only have 2 rock stations, but one that comes in real good. There is another one Boston, but is blocked out by some R&B station.

I like a variety of music, but I prefer heavier stuff. i will on occasion listen to a good R&B station that plays the real stuff but, really..what happened to the radio?

(I know the obvious solution is to get satellite radio, but that's not an option now)




  1. Radio blows! They need to make a real version of W.E.F.U.N.K. (Geoge Clinton's fictional radio station)

  2. They were c**p by the mid-nineties, sucked into the corporate world. Vice presidents of modern rock programming already existed by 1996 and you had to be major label and pay your way in (think Limp Bizkit 1998-1999- Interscope paid Viacom millions to get them multiple appearances on Carson Daly).

    Metallica's 'documentary' on VH1 was paid for by the band and yes, paid to air on VH1.

    The only stations left are on campuses and many of those are becoming strictly programmed to prepare masscomm majors for real world corporate radio.

    Clear Channel, Viacom and Disney just administered the coup de grace.

  3. I certainly miss them. Here in the SF bay area, there used to be at least 5 rock/alternative stations but now there is only one, KITS 105.3. The others turned into Spanish language stations. At least 105.3 plays a good variety of indie and mainstream rock. When I lived in the Sacramento area, the only rock station there played the same 15 songs over and over. That is, until it fell and turned into a "random" radio station (AKA 80s-90s oldies) and every 5th song was an old U2 song, not so random!

  4. I totally agree with u!

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