
Don't you hate g*y guys that smile too much? ?

by  |  earlier

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Or stare at you...




  1. no whats wrong with that. . ? and whats with the "o lord" comment????

  2. Wrong category! Prat

  3. oh get over it. At least I am happy and not bitter, like OTHERS

  4. No, I don't.  Since when did a smile become a "bad" thing?  Some people will go to any extent to revile g*y people.  Even the Bible says revilers aren't going to Heaven.  If a person is so insecure that he "hates" it when someone smiles, that really says more about him than it does about the friendly person doing the smiling.  I wouldn't want to live around people who considered smiling wrong.

  5. it is kinda creepy lol

    yea ur in for it bud lol...

    dont trip i got ur back! LOL

  6. :)

    You mean like that??

    As for staring, how would you know they're looking at you unless you'e looking at them??

    Honest Question: If a straight guy is secure in his heterosexuality, then how can he feel threatened enough to be bothered by them smiling at him?

    Because there is no threat, you just hate g*y people that's all. I think that's more wrong than us LOVING a member of the same s*x!

    EDIT: Yeah this is the wrong category. You should be careful to not "accidently" do it again.

  7. We're just happy unlike other people on here

    wats with the o lord comment

    u deff put this in the wrong section

    we are gonna tar and feather you

  8. no

  9. whats wrong in smiling???? i think if a person is happy and content with his life.... that person tends to smile allot than other people......

    smiling is a way of expressing ur blissfulness and gratitude towards life!!!

    there is nothing wrong with a person who smiles often!!!! irrespective of their sexual orientation..................

  10. Oh yes... definitely the wrong category. I suggest you delete this before we burn you at the stake. *snickers*

  11. Well I'm g*y so I don't mind but,I guess it would be intimidating for a straight guy do understand.I'll assume your hetero sexual,with that being said you feel this way because you don't understand why they do it.Before asking so questions you should first ask yourself "why?"you want to know and how'd this benfit you.Once you answer the question for yourself then you can move foward and make an assumption.You seem to have tons of questions all the time since I'm in your contacts.You kinda side track me some times because you have fun making people think since you would rarely see this in the human population.Your questions seem offensive but,I'm smarter than that and know you just want a rise out of poeple nor do you really  care.It sounds like your a very bored person who isn't being challenged.You need an outlet to show the world your truly mind boggling Brain! basically.Your an interesting specimen.I like your ridiculous questions that show how bored you are with everything I guess...simply Genious!!!

  12. yea i think it is the wrong category too. i dont mind a nice white smile. that could be a turn on.

  13. hey lol. i love guys who smile in general g*y or and oh yeah wrong category.  

  14. everyone loves a good smile!!  

  15. Yes.  There is a thin line between a glance across the room and the piercing stare of a serial killer!!!  :@)

  16. yah, im trying to pick up on girls and a guy keeps staring at me, it sucks

  17. uh no I think its nice. There are too few people that can smile in this day and age.  

  18. Their g*y their supposed to be happy!

    Ohhhhhhh those kinds of g**s.


  19. it's not my fault i'm always laughing or generally just happy all the time?

  20. no, I only hate when GUYS in general have fake smiles, g*y or not.

  21. nah. it's better than straight guys that try to act all tough and always frown when they're actually soft on the inside.

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