
Don't you hate how much gas costs these days?

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It pisses me off. It pisses the whole US off. It's a nightmare.




  1. What I hate more is getting excited when the price goes below $3.00.

  2. h**l Yeah.

  3. "They" jack the price a little, then again and again,.... Feds finally say "we'll look into it",.. price stabilizes or drops,...."They" have already made thier gazillions,... then a little later,... the process starts again,..............

  4. I know it really hurts me now since I'm using a company truck that's a 1993 Chevy silverado that drinks gas like something else.  Normally I use one of the trucks with a V8 but they all have plows which means can't take it home, but what sucks is the V8 gets better mileage then the older truck does and I could floor it every light and the bigger truck with a V8 still gets better mileage what gives.  I miss the old days where gas was a $1.50 or $1.99 a gallon don't you.

  5. yeah it pisses me off,  it is sh**

  6. o ya!

  7. I think it needs to be MORE expensive.  How else can we encourage people to use less and consume fewer resources than to hit them where it hurts--in the wallet?  In addition to environmental and global warming concerns, we also have to think about conserving our primary fuel source for years to come.  There is a finite supply of petroleum in the ground, and China and India are buying more and more every year.  That means that less is coming to the US.  Self-important SUV drivers think that just because they need to transport their kids around, that gives them the right to use more than their fair share of a resource we all depend on for transportation.

  8. yea used to be really low

  9. I lived overseas for 3 years and got use to $5 a gal. Still have not hit the pain point yet. Filled up yesterday for $2.72 a gal. I figured when it hits about $6 a gal that's when I'll start getting mad. Daily commute from house to work is 80 miles round trip at  ~33 mpg car.

    Would like to get my hands on an old Mini like I had in England, with the 850cc engine I was getting about 55mpg. The car was stripped down to nothing. I could change the tires with someone picking up the side of the car.

  10. It pisses me of soooooooooo much everytime I need to put gas. Its making me broke!

  11. Yes , where i live just yesterday was like 2.89 a gallon then all the sudden today it was like 3.05 !! I was like B.S .. This is crazy they sure have us by the good and plenties!! I  just want some HONEST anwers as to why it is soo Darn $$$$$!! I know we will never get one but  it would be nice!!!

  12. yup it really su** but we need to get around.

  13. Yeah it does. I always wonder how people can afford gas for these big suvs and trucks.

  14. i don't know where you all live but try living in los angles...just this morning i paid 3.67 for regular...and that's cheap here Ive sen it for way over be glad your not

  15. Switch to diesel.  It's only 50 cents more than gasoline, and the fuel contains 15% more energy per gallon

    and diesels idle more efficiently and accelerate more gently... so it's a total win for MP$.

  16. yes i agree when we have to warm our houses by gas and pay to much when you look at the price you pay and then  look for it cheaper you cant because the only alternatives are only 2/3 pounds saving per month and then only for a limited period only.

    it makes wonder why offgas are saying nothing i thought they were there to protect the pisses me off too.

  17. Be thankful you are not using diesel. It's 50 cents higher than gasoline everywhere.

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