
Don't you hate how some people think that Mozilla Firefox is the answer to all IE problems?

by  |  earlier

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Don't get me wrong. Firefox is a great browser, but some people just always answer "get firefox" like to this question "why can I not view some sites on IE?" Doesn't it get anoying? If they wanted Firefox they would get it. I am sure everyone on here is a very smart person so they should know what it is. The person that is asking the question wants a real answer to their problem with Internet Explorer, they don't want an answer like "get firefox" "firefox is better" "download firefox" "use firefox" I see it as an answer almost everytime someone asks a question about IE.




  1. Firefox is better and if people stopped using IE there would be a lot fewer questions.

    That being said, I do agree that people could answer the question along with suggesting Firefox as an alternative.

  2. Yes. The same as "Get a Mac" for every windows related question...

  3. I've been using Firefox since V1. It's, mostly, better than MS IE. It certainly has a better security model. There's a lower risk of getting viruses and trojans using Firefox as a vector.

    MS IE had a habit of not sticking to W3C HTML / Javascript / whatever standards, it does some things that are IE specific (ActiveX) - the ubiquitous nature of MS IE meant in the past that sloppy website designers built to it's non-standard HTML. That doesn't happen so much since IE 6 and IE 7 and, now, more sites are using Flash rather than ActiveX.

    I have the IEView plugin in Firefox for that - it opens websites that don't load in Firefox in MS IE (at the moment there are only two sites left in my list)

    I'm also a Linux user - so I'm stuck with either using Safari, Opera, Konqueror or Firefox. I choose Firefox on there so that it's mostly the same as on Windows.

    There's a lot of bigotry in this area. It does tend to become something of a religious war.

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